My Foster Son Was Put In a Dog Pen. How Do I Help Him Heal? - Weekend Wisdom
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Question: My 4-year-old foster son moved in 9 months ago. He will likely remain with me permanently, and the application is in progress. I was his 5th foster home when he moved in. There was neglect at his birth parents and abuse in a previous foster home. Last weekend he was being babysat by my sister and brother-in-law. They went to the basement to show him a toy, and he saw a large dog cage they were planning to sell online. He was immediately triggered, ran upstairs, hid under the pillows in a bed, and it took 10 minutes to feel safe. He was obviously placed in a dog cage at some point. How do I support him, talk to him about what happened, and make him feel safe? How should I support him and help him calm his nervous system if he is triggered again?
- A Conversation with Dr. Bruce Perry About Trauma
- 6 Crucial Things Every Adoptive Parent Must Do
- Using Scripts to Build Trust with Foster & Adopted Kids
- Suggested Book List - Kids Who Have Experienced Trauma
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