DiscoverAI Education PodcastAnother Rapid Rundown - news and research on AI in Education
Another Rapid Rundown - news and research on AI in Education

Another Rapid Rundown - news and research on AI in Education

Update: 2023-12-01


Academic Research


Researchers Use GPT-4 To Generate Feedback on Scientific Manuscripts

Two episodes ago I shared the news that for some major scientific publications, it's okay to write papers with ChatGPT, but not to review them. But…

Combining a large language model and open-source peer-reviewed scientific papers, researchers at Stanford built a tool they hope can help other researchers polish and strengthen their drafts.

Scientific research has a peer problem. There simply aren’t enough qualified peer reviewers to review all the studies. This is a particular challenge for young researchers and those at less well-known institutions who often lack access to experienced mentors who can provide timely feedback. Moreover, many scientific studies get “desk rejected” — summarily denied without peer review.

James Zou, and his research colleagues, were able to test using GPT-4 against human reviews 4,800 real Nature + ICLR papers. It found AI reviewers overlap with human ones as much as humans overlap with each other, plus, 57% of authors find them helpful and 83% said it beats at least one of their real human reviewers.



Academic Writing with GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT): Reflections on Practices, Efficacy and Transparency

Oz Buruk, from Tampere University in Finland, published a paper giving some really solid advice (and sharing his prompts) for getting ChatGPT to help with academic writing. He uncovered 6 roles:

  • Chunk Stylist
  • Bullet-to-Paragraph
  • Talk Textualizer
  • Research Buddy
  • Polisher
  • Rephraser

He includes examples of the results, and the prompts he used for it. Handy for people who want to use ChatGPT to help them with their writing, without having to resort to trickery



Considerations for Adapting Higher Education Technology Course for AI Large Language Models: A Critical Review of the Impact of ChatGPT

This is a journal pre-proof from the Elsevier journal "Machine Learning with Applications", and takes a look at how ChatGPT might impact assessment in higher education. Unfortunately it's an example of how academic publishing can't keep up with the rate of technology change, because the four academics from University of Prince Mugrin who wrote this submitted it on 31 May, and it's been accepted into the Journal in November - and guess what? Almost everything in the paper has changed. They spent 13 of the 24 pages detailing exactly which assessment questions ChatGPT 3 got right or wrong - but when I re-tested it on some sample questions, it got nearly all correct. They then tested AI Detectors - and hey, we both know that's since changed again, with the advice that none work. And finally they checked to see if 15 top universities had AI policies.

It's interesting research, but tbh would have been much, much more useful in May than it is now.

And that's a warning about some of the research we're seeing. You need to really check carefully about whether the conclusions are still valid - eg if they don't tell you what version of OpenAI's models they’ve tested, then the conclusions may not be worth much.

It's a bit like the logic we apply to students "They’ve not mastered it…yet"



A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis of ChatGPT in the Medical Literature: Concise Review

They looked at 160 papers published on PubMed in the first 3 months of ChatGPT up to the end of March 2023 - and the paper was written in May 2023, and only just published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. I'm pretty sure that many of the results are out of date - for example, it specifically lists unsuitable uses for ChatGPT including "writing scientific papers with references, composing resumes, or writing speeches", and that's definitely no longer the case.



Emerging Research and Policy Themes on Academic Integrity in the Age of Chat GPT and Generative AI

This paper, from a group of researchers in the Philippines, was written in August. The paper referenced 37 papers, and then looked at the AI policies of the 20 top QS Rankings universities, especially around academic integrity & AI. All of this helped the researchers create a 3E Model - Enforcing academic integrity, Educating faculty and students about the responsible use of AI, and Encouraging the exploration of AI's potential in academia.


Can ChatGPT solve a Linguistics Exam?

If you're keeping track of the exams that ChatGPT can pass, then add to it linguistics exams, as these researchers from the universities of Zurich & Dortmund, came  to the conclusion that, yes, chatgpt can pass the exams, and said "Overall, ChatGPT reaches human-level competence and         performance without any specific training for the task and has performed similarly to the student cohort of that year on a first-year linguistics exam"









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Another Rapid Rundown - news and research on AI in Education

Another Rapid Rundown - news and research on AI in Education