Are You Controlling Your Destiny or Working for Others?
Today’s episode was ripped directly from one of our 10,000 NOs Insiders Acting Community weekly zooms where Matt addresses the challenges that face our members. Today, Matt shares some of the inspiration he received from a podcast that he has become obsessed with: Founders. Drawing from stories of great filmmakers, entrepreneurs and athletes, Matt discusses the parallels between the attributes of those who have achieved greatness in other fields with the attributes required for success as an actor, writer or filmmaker. Success leaves clues. Ultimately, it comes down to what you want: to forge your own path and attempt to create your own destiny or follow a beaten path, that requires less responsibility in comparison, by working for someone else.
10,000 NOs is here to inspire you and help you realize you are not alone if you’re battling to overcome rejection in your career or life.
So, if you’re an actor, writer or filmmaker and you like what you hear in the snippets from our Insiders Acting Community zooms enough to want to be a part of it, CLICK HERE.
Remember, “failure” is just opportunity in disguise, and you can flip the script to make your setbacks serve you.