Ask A Gettysburg Guide #4 with Tim Smith- AG Classics
ORIGINAL AIRDATE December 23, 2019
This is the continuation of Ask A Gettysburg Guide #3 with Tim Smith. Apparently, back then it didn't occur to me to make a long episode and instead I split it in two. Or maybe there was another reason that I've forgotten. Either way, enjoy.
There original shownotes:
Merry Christmas! It's time for the final Ask A Gettysburg Guide of 2019. Bob Steenstra and Tim Smith continue with the questions that we couldn't fit into the previous Ask A Gettysburg Guide. Instagrammers who answered the call for questions in this episode are: @Soldier_Up_ @SJcolmus @Mrsmaestas2 @civil_war_Nerd @Cwhitt @Tylerfashistory
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