DiscoverDr Phillip J Huggins SermonsAug 25, 2019 Ministry Character Part 2 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Aug 25, 2019 Ministry Character Part 2 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Aug 25, 2019 Ministry Character Part 2 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Update: 2019-08-29


I.     While the gospel is presented as an open display it is veiled to those who are

       A.   The gospel is hidden to every person who has not responded to the proclamation 
              of the gospel

              1.    How one respond to the gospel is not a matter of intellectual insight or
                     philosophical acumen.  It is a matter of spiritual condition.

       B.    The gospel is veiled to those who are perishing because the god of this age has
               blinded the minds of the unbelievers

Satan has a role in keeping persons from Christ and the gospel, even though they are accountable for their own souls and cannot blame the devil.  Moreover, Satan cannot prevent the gospel light from penetrating.  Without Gods enablement, a sinner can no more see the gospel than a blind person can see the sun.  the foundation and the goal of the gospel is that Christ’s splendor or glory will be displayed.  Sinners are converted so they may admire and love Him.

 II.    Christ Proclaimed

        A.   As the Image of God

               Two main ideas emerge from the use of the word image:
               representation and manifestation.  Caesar is represented by his image on a coin,                 and pagan gods are represented by images of them.  Human beings were 
               created to represent God and to manifest His presence in the world.  However,
               Christ does not merely represent God; he is the full manifestation of God.
               Believers are being conformed to Christ’s image and thus manifest God’s
               presence as well.  

         B.    Christ is the one proclaimed as God.  Not ourselves

               Why was Paul so convinced that the problem with unbelievers was in them and
               not in his presentation of the gospel?  His reason was straightforward.  True
               ministers of the gospel do not preach themselves.  They do not draw attention to
               their own clever or eloquent speech; they do not lord their authority over others.
               Instead, they draw attention to Jesus Christ as Lord.  The true Christian gospel
              always focuses on Christ’s honor, no on the ministers who bear the message.

              Coupled with the statement of v. 4 that he is the image of God, the words in the
              face of Jesus Christ
in verse 6 are a strong testimony to Paul’s belief in the deity
              of Christ, in whose face God’s glory is fully displayed (Jn 1:14 ,18; Heb 1;3) 

III.      We are proclaiming ourselves as servants for Jesus’s sake. 

IV.      We proclaim the light as recipients of the Light

          A.   Verse 6 The original creation of light of out darkness Gn 1;3









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Aug 25, 2019 Ministry Character Part 2 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Aug 25, 2019 Ministry Character Part 2 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Dr Phillip J Huggins