DiscoverThe Business Storytelling ShowBONUS: 4 ways to grow your podcast
BONUS: 4 ways to grow your podcast

BONUS: 4 ways to grow your podcast

Update: 2023-11-15


Here are my top 4 ways to grow your podcast.

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Having a successful podcast takes dedication and smart strategy. Here are 4 tactics for growing a podcast audience.

Get on a Consistent Schedule

The first tip is to release episodes on a regular schedule, whether that's weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Many podcasts fizzle out after 10 episodes because they don't stick to a schedule. By consistently publishing new episodes, you make it easier for listeners to tune in and build a habit of listening.

Optimize for Search

Next, optimize your content for search engines. Use keywords and phrases in your titles, and descriptions, and show notes so people can find your podcast when searching for related topics. This allows you to reach new listeners who are interested in what you cover.

Book Relevant Guests

Having guests on your podcast expands its reach, as they will promote their appearance to their own networks. Aim to book experts and influencers whose followers will be intrigued to check out your show. This cross-promotion is a proven way to grow an audience.

Distribute the Video Version

Finally, livestream recordings and distribute the video version on platforms like YouTube and Spotify. Though podcasting started as an audio-only medium, video opens up new ways to find and engage listeners.

Consistent scheduling, SEO optimization, strategic guests, and video distribution - these tips can set you up for podcasting success. Implement them to expand your reach and listenership.









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BONUS: 4 ways to grow your podcast

BONUS: 4 ways to grow your podcast

Trappe Digital LLC