Beach Barra NQ Fishing Show
Latest show is up a running , Chris Wilcox joins us for a chat and lets us know his secrets for chasing barra on the beach , from lure choice to tide times its all there. Water color is a huge part of success so Chris tells what he looks for whilst walking the beach.
Member for Townsville Scott Stewart is on the phone with an state election just around the corner he tells what the Labor Party has pledged from boat ramps , car parks and the promise of 5 miilion dollars for infrastructure at Ross River Dam. Alot of people have put a lot of hard work into stocking the dam and this is a welcome commitment to them.
Boat and trailer maintenance get a mention with the summer months and the closed barra season nearly here we chat about what and how we look after our gear over the wet season , so sit back grab a coldie and enjoy 3 hours of fun , laughs and some tips and tricks with the NQ Fishing Show