Best Airline to work for as Flight Attendant (PART I)
Hey guys Welcome to The Rough Air Podcast.
Today's episode is the Part 1 of a very amazing topic which is how can you find what is the right airline for you to work for. This is a very important topic and because of the length of the episode I had to divided in two parts. The reason most people hate their job as flight attendant is because when they are selecting the airline they want to work for, 90% of the time they settle for the first airline that gives them the first CJO, without considering factors such as Pay, Base or commuter policy. so here you are 2 of the 5 rules that you need to follow in order to know which airline to pick:
1- Pay
2- Contract
Base pay is the main factor that needs to drive your decision of accepting a particular airline job and contract is the second most important. So I really hope that this episode can bring clarity and help you identify that airline that best fit your lifestyle.
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