Braden Stutz - California, San Jose Mission from 2016 to 2018 - Ep. 23 - Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - returned early due to medical issues.
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Hello everyone!
On today’s show, I speak with Braden Stutz who served in the California, San Jose Mission from 2016 to 2018
And in my missionary minute, I talk about returning home early from a mission and not serving a misison.
So let’s get to it!
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A big thanks to my new friend Braden Stutz.
In today’s missionary minute --- I talk about those who have not served missions.
I know that obviously, this podcast focuses on missionary service. Most of the people I’ve spoken with have served full-time missions. Braden I think is the first who I’ve interviewed who came home early. I wanted to mention that just as he said, he felt that he had completed his mission. I agree wholeheartedly. There is nothing magical about 24 months for men and 18 months for women. Many of us remember a time when the men served for 18 months. Some may remember other various lengths of time. If someone comes home early, for whatever reason it may be, we should be gracious and thank them for serving. It’s just like someone who served in the military. If they end up only serving in the military for a short time, we still thank them for their service. It’s the same with missionaries. Any offering they give should be met with gratitude. When physical, mental, or other issues arise and it requires that they return home, they have enough to deal with. We can help make their return home a happy one.
The other thing I wanted to touch on is that I hope that this podcast doesn’t make those who did not have an opportunity to serve a mission, for whatever reason, feel bad.
My wife is one of the most spiritual people I know. She also knows the scriptures way better than I do. And she did not serve a mission. She’s been a fantastic mother. She teaches early morning seminary. She’s served by my side as a ward missionary while I was the ward mission leader. I’ve tried to keep up with her, not vice-versa. She felt directed by the Spirit to not serve a mission. President Nelson recently spoke on this at the last general conference saying that for women, it’s a powerful yet optional opportunity. I think young women should prepare to serve, but then the Spirit will guide them toward serving a mission or what their path should be. I know others including men who did not serve because they joined the Church later in life or were inactive during the time when they would have gone on a mission. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel like this podcast belittles their Church service. We have several Apostles who did not serve missions including Presiden Nelson and President Eyring.
I hope that this podcast does inspire young men to prepare to serve a mission and I hope that it helps young women to prepare for and then pray about a mission. For us who are past that young 18 to 19-year-old age, I hope it rekindles the missionary fire in you if you did serve a mission, and if you didn’t, I hope it gives you the desire to be an everyday member-missionary, and maybe prepare to serve as a senior missionary or service missionary. Please know that my intention for the podcast is not to compare people based on whether they served or not. I simply loved my mission and I love hearing about other people’s missionary experiences.
Well, that’s about it for today’s show.
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Thank you for joining me today. Until next time, wax strong in the gospel my friends!
This is not an official production of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The opinions expressed are by the host and guest.