Richard Oveson - France 1949-1952 - Mission President Bordeaux, France 1992-1995 - Ep. 9
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Hello everyone! On today’s show, we have a special guest, someone who is dear to me and has played an important role in my life, Richard Oveson who was my mission president for the second half of my mission. Richard served in France from 1949 to 1952 and also served as mission president in the Bordeaux France mission. President and Sister Oveson were there from 1992-1995. And in my missionary minute, I talk about opening up the scriptures.
So let’s get to it!
A special thanks to President Richard Oveson. It was so great to speak with him and hear about some of his experiences as a missionary. President Oveson was a great example to me on my mission and continues to be a great example to me. I bore my testimony this past fast Sunday and spoke about some of the people in my life who I have looked up to and who have helped me become a better person. President Oveson was one of those people. I think it’s important to have people to look up to and try and be more like them and do what they do. He has hed the type of life that I think we missionaries tried to follow and pattern our lives to be a little more like his.
In today’s missionary minute, I was reminded of a special experience that I had as a missionary. I was a zone leader and we would go to the mission home in Bordeaux for a zone leaders conference every month. I remember sitting in a large room in President Oveson’s home, and he had the Book of Mormon open, and he was reading from the scriptures. He would stop after a verse or two and teach and testify, and the Spirit bore witness to me that what he was teaching was true. The scriptures were opened up to my spiritual eyes, not just my physical eyes and ears. It was a powerful moment and one I will never forget.
Here is a link to a biography on Sister Oveson:
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