Discover48 HoursBryan Miller: Zombie Hunter
Bryan Miller: Zombie Hunter

Bryan Miller: Zombie Hunter

Update: 2024-07-165


The Phoenix Canal murders, which terrorized the city in the early 1990s, were finally solved when DNA evidence linked Brian Miller, a local celebrity known as the "Zombie Hunter," to the murders of Angela Brasso and Melanie Burnus. The case began in 1992 when Angela Brasso, a tech worker who had recently moved to Phoenix, was found murdered along the city's canals. Ten months later, Melanie Burnus, a 17-year-old high school student, was also found murdered along the same canal path. Despite extensive investigations, the cases went cold for over two decades. In 2014, advancements in forensic genealogy allowed detectives to identify Brian Miller as a potential suspect. Miller, who was known in the Phoenix area as the "Zombie Hunter," had a history of violence and had been arrested for aggravated assault in 1989. Miller's mother had previously reported a disturbing note he had written detailing his desire to abduct, rape, murder, and dismember a young woman. After obtaining Miller's DNA from a water glass, detectives confirmed his involvement in the canal murders. Miller was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in both Angela Brasso and Melanie Bernice's deaths. During the trial, Miller's defense attorneys argued that he was not guilty by reason of insanity, claiming that he had been tortured by his mother as a child, leading to his violent sexual behavior. The judge, however, found Miller guilty on both counts and sentenced him to death. The case highlights the enduring impact of unsolved crimes and the power of forensic science to bring justice to victims and their families.



This Chapter introduces the podcast and its sponsor, Wondry Plus, which offers ad-free listening.

The Phoenix Canal Murders

This Chapter details the murders of Angela Brasso and Melanie Burnus, which occurred in the early 1990s along the canals of Phoenix. The murders created fear and uncertainty in the city, as investigators struggled to find the perpetrator.

Forensic Genealogy Breaks the Case

This Chapter explains how advancements in forensic genealogy, specifically the use of public genealogy databases, helped detectives identify Brian Miller as a potential suspect in the canal murders. The chapter highlights the role of science in solving cold cases.

Brian Miller: The Zombie Hunter

This Chapter introduces Brian Miller, the prime suspect in the canal murders. Miller was a local celebrity known as the "Zombie Hunter," a costumed character who participated in parades and festivals around Phoenix. The chapter explores the contrast between Miller's public persona and his alleged crimes.

Obtaining Miller's DNA

This Chapter describes the elaborate plan devised by Detective Schwartzkopf to obtain Miller's DNA. The chapter highlights the detective's resourcefulness and determination to solve the case.

The DNA Match

This Chapter reveals the moment when Miller's DNA, obtained from a water glass, was matched to the DNA recovered from the crime scenes of Angela Brasso and Melanie Burnus. The chapter emphasizes the significance of the DNA evidence in confirming Miller's involvement in the murders.

Miller's Past and the Defense

This Chapter explores Miller's past, including his history of violence and his disturbing note detailing his desire to abduct, rape, murder, and dismember a young woman. The chapter also introduces Miller's defense strategy, which centered on his claim of insanity due to childhood abuse by his mother.


Phoenix Canal Murders

A series of murders that occurred in the early 1990s along the canals of Phoenix, Arizona. The murders of Angela Brasso and Melanie Burnus terrorized the city and remained unsolved for over two decades. The case gained national attention and became a symbol of the fear and uncertainty that gripped the community.

Brian Miller

The perpetrator of the Phoenix Canal murders. Miller was a local celebrity known as the "Zombie Hunter," a costumed character who participated in parades and festivals around Phoenix. Despite his public persona, Miller had a history of violence and was eventually linked to the murders through DNA evidence. His case highlights the potential for individuals to hide their true nature behind a facade.

Forensic Genealogy

A scientific technique that uses public genealogy databases to identify individuals based on their DNA. Forensic genealogy has become increasingly important in solving cold cases, as it allows investigators to connect crime scene DNA to potential suspects who may not have been previously considered. The technique has revolutionized criminal investigations and has helped bring closure to families of victims.

Zombie Hunter

The alter ego of Brian Miller, the perpetrator of the Phoenix Canal murders. Miller was known for his elaborate costume and his participation in events around Phoenix. His public persona as a "good guy fighting the bad guys" contrasted sharply with his alleged crimes, highlighting the potential for individuals to hide their true nature behind a facade.

Cold Case

A criminal investigation that has been inactive for a significant period of time. Cold cases often remain unsolved for years or even decades, due to a lack of evidence or leads. Advancements in forensic science, such as DNA analysis and forensic genealogy, have helped to solve many cold cases, bringing closure to families of victims.

DNA Evidence

Genetic material that can be used to identify individuals and link them to crime scenes. DNA evidence has become a crucial tool in criminal investigations, as it provides a highly reliable and accurate means of identification. The use of DNA evidence has helped to solve countless crimes and has revolutionized the field of forensic science.

Insanity Defense

A legal defense strategy that argues that a defendant was not criminally responsible for their actions due to a mental illness or defect. The insanity defense is often used in cases where the defendant has a history of mental health problems or where there is evidence of a severe mental state at the time of the crime. The success of the insanity defense depends on the specific legal standards in the jurisdiction and the strength of the evidence presented.


  • What were the Phoenix Canal murders and how did they impact the city?

    The Phoenix Canal murders were a series of murders that occurred in the early 1990s along the canals of Phoenix, Arizona. The murders of Angela Brasso and Melanie Burnus terrorized the city and remained unsolved for over two decades. The case gained national attention and became a symbol of the fear and uncertainty that gripped the community.

  • How did forensic genealogy help solve the Phoenix Canal murders?

    Advancements in forensic genealogy, specifically the use of public genealogy databases, allowed detectives to identify Brian Miller as a potential suspect in the canal murders. The technique allowed investigators to connect crime scene DNA to potential suspects who may not have been previously considered.

  • Who was Brian Miller and what was his public persona?

    Brian Miller was the perpetrator of the Phoenix Canal murders. He was a local celebrity known as the "Zombie Hunter," a costumed character who participated in parades and festivals around Phoenix. Despite his public persona, Miller had a history of violence and was eventually linked to the murders through DNA evidence.

  • What was Miller's defense strategy and what was the outcome of the trial?

    Miller's defense attorneys argued that he was not guilty by reason of insanity, claiming that he had been tortured by his mother as a child, leading to his violent sexual behavior. The judge, however, found Miller guilty on both counts and sentenced him to death.

  • What impact did the resolution of the Phoenix Canal murders have on the community?

    The resolution of the Phoenix Canal murders brought a sense of closure to the community, which had been living with the fear and uncertainty of the unsolved crimes for over two decades. The case also highlighted the importance of forensic science in solving cold cases and bringing justice to victims and their families.

Show Notes

How police connected the murders of two young women to a man known as a zombie-fighting comic book hero. "48 Hours" correspondent Peter Van Sant reports.

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Bryan Miller: Zombie Hunter

Bryan Miller: Zombie Hunter