In Chapter 17, the author discusses the effects that beliefs and opinions have on our world as a result of the judgments we make. He talks about Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, who says, “How we see life determines our behavior, and since perceptions can be wrong, it is more accurate to say that beliefs control biology – what you believe creates your life. Life has everything in it, but you will only see what you have belief filters to see.”
The author uses a very controversial example of our belief in Jesus dying on the cross and the impact that has had on our lives, concluding that “even the Bible does not say it happened that way, unless you read the Gospels with that belief already in place; and then you still have to make some very big assumptions. So we start with a judgment that we are all, as human beings, innately defective (the Roman Catholic church calls it “original sin”); we form a belief – despite the evidence – that a Son of God has been resurrected from the dead in order to save us from our sinful nature; and we are of the opinion that anyone who doesn’t believe in Him cannot make it into Heaven. It makes for a very interesting game!”