In the second part of Chapter 30 dealing with the question of Money, the author further explains why fads like “The Secret” and the “Law of Attraction” don’t work for most people most of the time, and end up making us feel even more deficient and defective when we fail to manifest what we want. “Despite what the ego would like us to believe – that we have the power to create a motorcycle, for example, or money, or a house, or anything because of something we, as a Player, did – this is one of those beliefs inside the movie theater that can only lead further into limitation. By design, it’s important the Player misassign the true source of its experiences in the first half or the illusion would be broken and the Game would be up.”
Instead, the author suggests “It’s really pretty simple… if my Infinite I wants me to have an experience, it will give me all the money needed for that experience. If I, as the Player, think I want to have an experience, but my Infinite I disagrees with me, the money won’t be available no matter what I might try to make happen. You can’t get any simpler than that!”
"There’s only one thing I can guarantee you, based on my own experience and the results of testing and challenging this model: Once you’ve processed your judgments, beliefs, opinions, and fears about money, your Infinite I will have a much easier job getting the money to you to follow your excitement; and you will grow to trust your Infinite I completely that it will provide all the money you need to have the experiences it wants."