Update: 2024-06-24


Michael Savage delves into a series of thought-provoking questions, starting with the possibility of God being dead and the Israel experiment being over. He attributes the current negative times to the actions of the Democrat liberal wing, highlighting their betrayal of promises and their pursuit of power. He discusses the global instability, including the situation in the Middle East, North Korea, and Taiwan, and emphasizes the importance of diversifying savings in times of economic uncertainty. Savage then explores Jewish mysticism, specifically the concept of 'blessings in the skies,' where perceived curses are actually hidden blessings. He criticizes the current political climate, particularly the anti-Israel sentiment and the growing hatred towards Jews, drawing parallels to historical events like the crusades and the persecution of Asians during the COVID pandemic. He concludes by reflecting on the state of America, expressing concern about the current administration's policies and the potential for a nuclear war. He encourages listeners to enjoy life while they can, emphasizing the importance of peace and sanity in a world filled with chaos and fear.


Introduction and The Savage Nation

This Chapter introduces the podcast, The Savage Nation, hosted by Michael Savage. It sets the stage for a discussion on a difficult topic that Savage has been pondering for a while.

Is God Dead? Is the Israel Experiment Over?

This Chapter delves into the core questions of the podcast: Is God dead? And is the Israel experiment over? Savage argues that these questions are relevant in the current negative times, marked by political division, global instability, and a growing anti-Israel sentiment.

Forgotten Love and the Significance of Bread

This Chapter shifts to a personal anecdote about a Polish movie, 'Forgotten Love,' that Savage recently watched. He uses the movie's wedding scene, where the bride and groom kiss a large bread, to highlight the absurdity of modern anxieties about gluten and to contrast it with the historical significance of bread as a symbol of sustenance and life.

A Savagery Public: Inside the Plot to Destroy America

This Chapter promotes Savage's book, 'A Savagery Public: Inside the Plot to Destroy America,' which aims to expose the threats facing America and offer solutions to save the Republic. He urges listeners to wake up and fight back before it's too late.

Q&A and Closing Remarks

This Chapter concludes the podcast with a Q&A session, where Savage addresses listener comments and questions. He reflects on the importance of enjoying life, even in challenging times, and expresses hope for God's intervention to prevent a nuclear war. He ends by urging listeners to enjoy their bread, wine, and family while they still can.


Michael Savage

Michael Savage is an American radio talk show host, author, and political commentator. He is known for his conservative views and his outspoken criticism of liberal policies. He hosts the nationally syndicated radio show 'The Savage Nation,' which has been on the air since 1994. Savage is a controversial figure, but he has a large and loyal following.

The Savage Nation

The Savage Nation is a nationally syndicated radio talk show hosted by Michael Savage. The show is known for its conservative viewpoints and its outspoken criticism of liberal policies. The Savage Nation has been on the air since 1994 and has a large and loyal following. The show covers a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and current events.


Israel is a country in the Middle East, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a modern nation-state with a long and complex history. Israel is home to a diverse population, including Jews, Arabs, and other ethnic groups. The country has been involved in numerous conflicts with its neighbors, most notably the Arab-Israeli wars. Israel is a major player in the global economy and is a leader in technology and innovation.

Jewish Mysticism

Jewish mysticism, also known as Kabbalah, is a tradition of esoteric thought and practice within Judaism. It seeks to understand the hidden dimensions of reality and the nature of God. Kabbalah emphasizes the importance of spiritual experience and the power of words and symbols. It has been influential in Jewish thought and practice for centuries and has also been adopted by some non-Jewish groups.


Anti-Semitism is prejudice, discrimination, or hostility directed at Jews. It has a long and tragic history, dating back to ancient times. Anti-Semitism has manifested itself in various forms, including religious persecution, economic boycotts, and physical violence. It is a serious problem that continues to affect Jewish communities around the world.

Global Instability

Global instability refers to a state of uncertainty and unpredictability in the international system. It is characterized by a range of factors, including political conflicts, economic crises, and environmental challenges. Global instability can have a significant impact on the lives of people around the world, leading to displacement, poverty, and violence.

Nuclear War

Nuclear war is a war in which nuclear weapons are used. It is a highly destructive and potentially catastrophic event. The use of nuclear weapons would result in widespread death and destruction, as well as long-term environmental consequences. The threat of nuclear war has been a major concern for decades, and it remains a significant risk to global security.

The Military-Industrial Complex

The military-industrial complex is a term used to describe the close relationship between the military, the defense industry, and the government. It is often seen as a powerful force that influences government policy and spending. Critics argue that the military-industrial complex prioritizes military spending over other social needs and that it contributes to militarism and war.

The European Union

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The EU was established in 1993 with the goal of promoting peace, economic cooperation, and social progress among its members. The EU has a single market, a common currency (the euro), and a common foreign policy. It is one of the world's largest economies and is a major player in global affairs.

The American Union

The American Union refers to the United States of America, a federal republic composed of 50 states. The American Union was formed in 1787 with the adoption of the Constitution. The Union is based on the principles of democracy, liberty, and equality. It is a major power in the world and is a leader in technology, innovation, and culture.


  • What are some of the key questions that Michael Savage explores in this podcast?

    Savage explores the possibility of God being dead and the Israel experiment being over. He also discusses the current political climate, global instability, and the growing anti-Israel sentiment.

  • What does Savage attribute the current negative times to?

    Savage attributes the current negative times to the actions of the Democrat liberal wing, highlighting their betrayal of promises and their pursuit of power.

  • What is the concept of 'blessings in the skies' that Savage discusses?

    The concept of 'blessings in the skies' is a Jewish mystical idea that suggests perceived curses are actually hidden blessings. It encourages people to see challenges and difficulties in a positive light, recognizing their potential for growth and transformation.

  • What are some of the global instabilities that Savage mentions?

    Savage mentions the situation in the Middle East, North Korea, and Taiwan, highlighting the increasing tensions and potential for conflict in these regions.

  • What does Savage say about the growing anti-Israel sentiment?

    Savage expresses concern about the growing anti-Israel sentiment, particularly among young people in Europe. He sees this as a manifestation of a broader hatred towards Jews and draws parallels to historical events like the crusades and the persecution of Asians during the COVID pandemic.

  • What is Savage's view on the current administration?

    Savage is critical of the current administration, particularly its policies and its potential for provoking a nuclear war. He sees the administration as a threat to America's security and stability.

  • What does Savage encourage listeners to do?

    Savage encourages listeners to enjoy life while they can, emphasizing the importance of peace and sanity in a world filled with chaos and fear. He also urges them to enjoy their bread, wine, and family.

  • What is the main message of Savage's book, 'A Savagery Public: Inside the Plot to Destroy America'?

    Savage's book aims to expose the threats facing America and offer solutions to save the Republic. He urges listeners to wake up and fight back before it's too late.

  • What is Savage's view on the European Union?

    Savage sees the European Union as a model for what he believes the current administration is trying to achieve in America: a union with no borders, no common language, no common culture, and the suppression of free speech.

  • What is Savage's view on the current state of America?

    Savage expresses concern about the current state of America, particularly the policies of the current administration and the potential for a nuclear war. He sees the country as being led by a group of psychotic and dangerous individuals who are more interested in power and chaos than peace and sanity.

Show Notes

Can Israel overcome the mounting threats it now faces? Savage explores this controversial subject and more in a prescient monologue. He shares a Jewish mysticism story about a Rabbi and his son who received apparent curses from sages that were actually blessings in disguise. He encourages listeners to learn to decipher their negative experiences as hidden blessings. He emphasizes that not all Jews, including those in the Biden Administration, truly understand or accept the concept of God. It is essential not to condemn all Jews, or any group, based on the actions of a few. He discusses the concept of equality in Judaism and the importance of recognizing the basic equality of all people despite their differences. He draws on historic parallels to understand the current conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians. As records have been manipulated and destroyed in the past, the progressives are also rewriting history before our eyes. Weaving the political and the spiritual, Savage speculates on the future of Israel and the fate of the United States in this exceptional broadcast.

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Michael Savage