DiscoverMarketing Over Coffee Marketing PodcastCDP Functions, AI Creatives, Reddit and The Acolyte!
CDP Functions, AI Creatives, Reddit and The Acolyte!

CDP Functions, AI Creatives, Reddit and The Acolyte!

Update: 2024-07-04


In this Marketing Over Coffee:

Learn about Customer Data Platforms, Virtual Event Content, Luxury Apple Watch Bands and more!

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Brought to you by our sponsors: Wix Studio and NetSuite

Customer Data Platform – a single customer record is maybe not required?

What are the 3 functions of a CDP?

Gemini showing up in Google Office and Email

Google stopping continuous scroll

7:188:47 NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, into ONE platform, and ONE source of truth.

Toys R Us AI Generated Ad has come a long way since Pepperoni Hug Spot!

Lawn Mowing Death Knight

Chris’ first AI Generated single on Spotify

Wix Studio is the web platform that gives agencies and enterprises the end-to-end efficiency to design, develop and deliver exactly the way they want to!

Salesforce AI CEO on using GenAI for A/B Testing

Using virtual events to fill the content funnel

OpenAI and Reddit – Do we need more sarcasm? Are upvotes the key to better data?

The Acolyte, Speidel Watch Band, Lawrence

Vanishing Comedy Central and MTV

Gen AI Course Updates done: Special Discount on the newest Generative AI for Marketing Course! Hands on excercises to put AI to work for you! USE CODE MOC now!

Join John, Chris and Katie on threads, or on LinkedIn: Chris, John, and Katie

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Our theme song is Mellow G by Fonkmasters.

Machine-Generated Transcript

What follows is an AI-generated transcript. The transcript may contain errors and is not a substitute for listening to the episode.

John Wall – 00:00

Today’s episode is brought to you by NetSuite and Wix Studio.

Speaker 2 – 00:10

This is Marketing Over Coffee with Christopher Penn and John Wall.

John Wall – 00:18

Good morning. Welcome to Marketing Over Coffee. I’m John Wall.

Christopher Penn – 00:20

And I’m Christopher Penn.

John Wall – 00:22

Summer is here. We’re just getting ready to wrap up. Yeah, actually this is going to go out the week of 4 July. We’re recording the week before, so we’re kind of taking next week off. And I had that as a skip week, but NetSuite wanted to be in your inbox for 4 July. So here we are, and we thank them for their support of the show. Yeah, a ton of stuff going on this week. We have some fun stuff to kick around, some possibly incendiary topics that we want to go and went. Let’s jump in.

First one was an article in MarTech about CDPs. We’ve talked about these customer data platforms where you try and grab all the info. The article said, well, maybe this isn’t the right way to go. Maybe you don’t always need one record for an individual person. Like, if you have somebody, there’s people who are always having different personas. They have multiple email addresses. In fact, they have shared email addresses depending if it’s a work thing. They have their persona of them as a VP of marketing at whatever company. But on the weekends, they’re proclaiming that the Earth is flat and doing all kinds of crazy stuff. So maybe do you want to have multiple records in your CDP? And I don’t know, what’s your gut on that?

Christopher Penn – 01:27

Well, it’s interesting. So the CDP has three functions. We call them the, we literally call it AAA: authenticate, augment, activate.

Authenticate means you resolve the person’s identity so that you know John Wall on Twitter is the same as John Wall on Facebook, on LinkedIn, in your email, just that you know that’s the person’s sort of federated identity. So you authenticate. That’s who they are.

Second is augment, which is where you start bringing in extra data. So on the weekend, John goes skiing, on the weekend, John rides horses and all this stuff. Because that can help inform things like your creative and stuff if you’re going to do really good AI personalization.

The third is activate, to be able to push data to the right downstream systems like a DSP, to say, okay, this ad for our thing should go out on these channels. And here’s the unique identifier that we had that we could pass to an ad system if you have multiple records. A, that kind of defeats the point of authenticate. B, it makes augment very hard because now you’re augmenting multiple records. And C, activation’s a real pain in the butt because you’re like, okay, am I sending the right people to the right list for the right ad? I understand conceptually wanting to have a multi-dimensional profile. Like, yeah, if you have a creative that happens to have horse riding in it is like the main image, then you’d want to know that’s more likely to appeal to John Wall as than, say, Christopher Penn. But you still want that in one unified record. So the idea of multiple records kind of goes against all three main purposes of a CDP.

John Wall – 02:58

Yeah. And it’s funny, my note just was failure to authenticate. So this is a vendor basically, like, trying to spin. Yeah, it’s difficult to do as well. It’s okay if some of the records are messed up.

Christopher Penn – 03:11

That makes a lot of sense. So they’re basically saying, yeah, our software can’t do the job, so just accept it.

John Wall – 03:16

Well. And I think there’s some weirdness. Like, shared accounts is a really weird corner case where. But again, that’s failure to authenticate. Like, you just don’t know which people are on that. So that’s not, you don’t throw the model out just because there’s some corner cases that don’t fit the thing. Okay, so that’s good. We’re on the same page as far as that goes. Another big one now. And I’m like crusty old man.

I’ve got Gemini showing up in the Google Suite all over the place, and I’m already annoyed because it’s like every time I open up a doc, it’s like, “Hey, how about some Gemini stuff over here?” And I’m like, “No, I’m going back to work on what I’m doing.” But no doubt, and you’ve been on the cutting edge of this stuff. How about this additional rollout of stuff? Is there stuff that you found useful in there and kind of what should be keeping our eyes out for as far as this?

Christopher Penn – 04:03

I think it certainly has some useful basics. For example, in Gmail, you can say, “Show me all the emails I sent to this client that I, that this client sent me that I haven’t responded to yet.” Unearthing, like, “Oh, I forgot to do this.” So some pretty basic clerical stuff.

The way I use Gemini within Google’s development and programming environment, so I’m using the raw model itself and not the friendly interface. It’ll be the same with Apple’s AI onboard iPhones and iOS, where they want to make life convenient for a lot of people. And these tools absolutely will. If you’re sitting in a Google Doc and you say, “Hey, Gemini, I don’t know what to write for this week’s blog post.” It will fill that purpose. It’s not how I use it, but that’s how I think how many people will. Honestly, I think that will be of benefit to people because if you’re staring at that empty page or that empty slide deck, one of the hacks of AI is have it create something that’s awful because that kicks your brain out of create mode into edit mode. You’re like, “Oh, this sucks. I can do better.” And then you’re done.

John Wall – 05:07

Yeah, yeah. You jump up. That’s like that old trick that were saying as far as going into user forums, and you put your question in there and then the first thing you do is you get another account and you answer it wrong. And then 20,000 people will come up to yell at that person who gave the wrong answer if you just answer the question or may not get answ









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CDP Functions, AI Creatives, Reddit and The Acolyte!

CDP Functions, AI Creatives, Reddit and The Acolyte!

John Wall and Christopher Penn