Chained Echoes (Ep 45)

Chained Echoes (Ep 45)

Update: 2023-04-12


In this episode of THE BURN, hosts ⁠Aviv Icel Manoach⁠ and ⁠Yehuda Halfon⁠ check out Chained Echoes, a homage to old-school JRPGs with contemporary mechanics and a pixel art flair. And on the news, we discuss the new upcoming addition of Warhammer 40,000.

Original recording date - March 28, 2023.

Game of the Show: Chained Echoes

Published by Matthias Linda, MSRP $25, Buy the game.

A new (end of 2022) old school like J(like)RPG. The game takes place in Valandis where there is a long-lasting war. In the beginning hours of the game, we learn how the game works. Unlike other JRPGs there is no level-up in the game, you get skill points and can buy new skills and upgrade them. Part of the skills are active and others are passive.

During the game, many new characters join the group, but it feels tight and not just to make the group bigger. The story is very well written, but the most innovative thing in the game is the combat. Throughout the combat, there is a bar the as long as you keep your marker in the green you cause more damage and take less damage, but if you get to the red you suffer more damage, this could have been nicer if the combats themselves weren’t so much damage sponge.

If you loved the old JRPGs give it a go, the plot is nice and well-written, and the combat is new but still feels old school (unlike the new JRPGs that try to make everything new). It’s part of the GamePass so that’s always good, it’s not a long game, I don’t remember when was the last time I played a 40-50 hour JRPG.

On the news:

The 10th edition of Warhammer 40K has been announced. They will make it more streamlined, with many updated rules. The tactic will stay the same but it will be faster rounds. The rule book will be released in the summer, and all the army rules will be released for free at the same time:

10th Edition Warhammer 40,000 – Your Questions Answered! - Warhammer Community (

Creative Corner:


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Our theme was created by ⁠@AnneDorko⁠ with vocals by ⁠@FishyTwitch⁠.









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Chained Echoes (Ep 45)

Chained Echoes (Ep 45)

the Game Burning Cast