Old World (Ep 40)
In this episode of THE BURN, hosts Aviv Icel Manoach and Omer Timetwister Kaplan rule ancient civilisations in Old World, a mix of Civilization and Crusader Kings. On the news, we had plenty of announcements on June's "game fest", and Aviv released a new game!
Original recording date - June 20, 2022.
Game of the Show: Old World
Published by Mohawk Games, MSRP $40, Buy the game (Humble partner link).
The most common description of Old World is something along the lines of “Civilization and Crusader Kings had a baby”. And this is pretty much what this game is all about - you choose an old-world kingdom (in the Mediterranean setting) and do your Civilization stuff, while in parallel you have to secure and train your heirs, influence your council and foreign rulers and deal with events.
It’s more structured than CK though, as you collect “victory points” that get you to the end of the (timed) campaign through conquest or the “ambitions” (quests) system.
Another innovation of Old World is the “order system” for movement where a unit can act multiple times per turn (to an extent) and “orders” is your action currency which you can increase by population, influence etc.
Recommendation? Hard for me to fully recommend yet - it kind of feels right in the middle for both Civ and CK so it doesn’t fully scratch an itch. Maybe I should get back to it after I’m free from CK for a bit.
On the News:
- Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s hot new professors pose the ultimate decision
- Hell yeah, Persona 5 Royal and Persona 3 Portable are coming to Steam (October 21, 2022)
- Every trailer & replay from Summer Game Fest 2022 week
- Activision Blizzard board says there's “no evidence” they tolerated any "reported" harassment
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Our theme was created by @AnneDorko with vocals by @FishyTwitch.