Collection No. 2: GregoryStitch
Welcome to our first podcast, Tosh Talks. Tosh Talks features interviews of our MT Collection No. 2 designers with our resident yarn whisperer, Sunne Meyer.
This is our second conversation about the collection, and today we’re talking about the dramatic Pecan Bourbon Cape by Thomas Gregory
Hamilton, who designs under the label GregoryStitch. Thomas comes to knitwear design from the dance world, where the art is movement. He started crocheting after the death of his mother as a means of therapy to cope with the loss and decided to reinvent himself as a crochet designer. He has debuted a collection at New York Fashion Week, designed for Vogue Knitting Live, and is the designer behind the breathtaking Peacock Gown. I think you’ll enjoy our conversation with the remarkable Thomas Gregory Hamilton of GregoryStitch.