DiscoverAdam Carolla ShowComedian Orny Adams + “Jackpot” Director Paul Feig
Comedian Orny Adams + “Jackpot” Director Paul Feig

Comedian Orny Adams + “Jackpot” Director Paul Feig

Update: 2024-08-081


The podcast episode begins with introductions, featuring comedian Ornie Adams and director Paul Feig as guests. The episode then delves into the history of the ancient Olympics, debunking the myth of their purity and highlighting their "bad-ass" nature. The conversation shifts to the 20th anniversary of the infamous Dave Matthews Band tour bus incident, where sewage was dumped onto a tour boat. The hosts discuss the incident's impact and its lasting legacy. The episode also features discussions about stand-up comedy, including the hosts' experiences with the comedy scene in Detroit, their stand-up nightmares, and the importance of respecting the form of stand-up comedy. Paul Feig discusses his transition from a soft comedian to a more traditional stand-up act. The conversation then turns to the current state of Hollywood, with the hosts sharing funny stories about Hollywood resumes and the audition process. They also discuss the importance of having a single vision for creative projects and how too many chefs in the kitchen can lead to a diluted product. The episode concludes with a discussion about the art of comedy and how horror movies have become a place where comedy thrives. The hosts talk about the movie "Megan" and how it combines elements of both genres.


Introduction and Guest Introductions

The podcast begins with introductions, featuring comedian Ornie Adams and director Paul Feig as guests.

Ancient Olympics: Beyond the Myth

The episode delves into the history of the ancient Olympics, debunking the myth of their purity and highlighting their "bad-ass" nature.

Advertisement: Proto TV Summer of Cinema

This segment promotes Proto TV's summer movie selection, featuring a variety of genres and titles.

Advertisement: Daily Wire Plus

This segment promotes Daily Wire Plus, highlighting its new animated series "Virtues" and featuring a cast of voice actors.

Ornie Adams' Upcoming Shows

Ornie Adams announces his upcoming comedy shows, including dates in August and September.

The Dave Matthews Band Tour Bus Incident

The episode commemorates the 20th anniversary of the infamous Dave Matthews Band tour bus incident, where sewage was dumped onto a tour boat.

Advertisement: Simply Safe

This segment promotes Simply Safe home security systems, highlighting its features and offering a discount to listeners.

Advertisement: Morgan and Morgan

This segment promotes Morgan and Morgan, a personal injury law firm, emphasizing its expertise and offering free consultations.

Pet Names and Halloween Material

The conversation shifts to pet names, with Adam Corolla expressing his dislike for the name "pumpkin." Ornie Adams mentions his upcoming Halloween material.

Barry Bostwick and Pepsi Twist

The episode discusses Barry Bostwick's career and a Pepsi commercial featuring him.

Plastic Bag Ban Backlash

The episode discusses the unintended consequences of California's plastic bag ban, which led to an increase in plastic waste.

Snoop Dogg's Olympic Role

The episode discusses Snoop Dogg's role as a special correspondent for NBC during the Olympics.

Alphabet Song Controversy

The episode discusses a new version of the alphabet song that has sparked debate among teachers.

The Alphabet Song and Schoolhouse Rock

The conversation starts with a discussion about the alphabet song and how some birds might forget how to say it. They then discuss the "verb song" from Schoolhouse Rock, which is considered the best song from the series.

Conjunction Junction and the "Too White" Guys

The conversation shifts to Conjunction Junction and the "too white" guys who are associated with it. They discuss the racial representation in these educational songs and how they might be perceived as being too white.

The "Shit Dumb" Story and Memory

The conversation turns to the "shit dumb" story, a personal anecdote about a tour bus incident. The hosts discuss how they remember this story and how it resonates with them. They also touch upon the topic of memory and how certain events stick with us.

Ornie Adams, Barry Bosswick, and Celery

The conversation delves into the topic of celebrity and how Ornie Adams compares to Barry Bosswick in terms of popularity. They then have a humorous discussion about whether a certain vegetable in a movie is celery or romaine lettuce.

Paul Feig Joins the Show

Paul Feig, a writer, director, and actor, joins the show as a guest. They discuss his work on movies like "Bridesmaids" and "The Heat," and his upcoming film "Jackpot."

Army Surplus Stores and Work Ethic

The conversation shifts to the topic of army surplus stores and the work ethic instilled in people who grew up around them. They discuss their own experiences with working in family businesses and how it shaped their perspectives on work.

The Crippling Process of Sitcom Notes

The conversation focuses on the editing process for sitcoms and how notes from executives can sometimes cripple the creative process. They discuss how notes can change the original vision of a script and how it can be difficult to navigate these changes.

The Importance of a Single Vision in Creative Projects

The hosts discuss the importance of having a single vision for creative projects, whether it's a painting, a film, or a sitcom. They argue that too many chefs in the kitchen can lead to a diluted product and that it's important to trust the vision of the artist.

John Cena, Wrestling, and Genius

The conversation turns to John Cena, his professionalism, and his intelligence. They discuss his wrestling background, his disciplined approach to work, and his impressive skills in learning languages and playing music.

Comedy and Horror

The hosts discuss the current state of comedy and how horror movies have become a place where comedy thrives. They talk about the movie "Megan" and how it combines elements of both genres.

The Audition Process and Hollywood

The conversation shifts to the audition process in Hollywood and how it can be a daunting experience. They discuss their own experiences with auditions and how they eventually decided to create their own projects instead of trying to get hired for someone else's.

Hollywood Resume Stories and a Hidden Camera Show Idea

The hosts share funny stories about Hollywood resumes and the audition process. They discuss how people often exaggerate their skills and experience on their resumes, and they brainstorm an idea for a hidden camera show that would expose these exaggerations.

The Art Vark, Jackie Mason, and John Biner

The conversation delves into the voice of the Art Vark character from a cartoon and how it was allegedly based on Jackie Mason's voice. They discuss the history of voice acting in cartoons and how certain voices were often imitated without proper credit or compensation.

Jewish Comedians and Ron Jeremy

The hosts discuss the stereotype of Jewish comedians being funny and how it's often played out in real life. They also mention Ron Jeremy, a Jewish porn star who was known for his comedic timing.

Detroit Comedy Clubs and Stand-Up Dreams

The conversation shifts to the comedy scene in Detroit and how it influenced the hosts' early stand-up careers. They discuss the comedy clubs they frequented as teenagers and the comedians who inspired them.

Kippitana, Gary Mule Deer, and Stand-Up Rules

The hosts discuss their experiences with Kippitana, a comedian who was known for being tough on opening acts. They also mention Gary Mule Deer and Mike Binder, other comedians from Detroit. They then discuss the "rules" of stand-up comedy and how some comedians have strict guidelines for their opening acts.

Rodney Dangerfield and the Balls Robe

The conversation turns to Rodney Dangerfield and a memorable encounter with him in a dressing room. They discuss his infamous "balls robe" and how it was a power move.

Paul Feig's Stand-Up Career

Paul Feig discusses his stand-up career and how he transitioned from being a soft comedian to a more traditional stand-up act. He talks about his early material and how he's now focused on delivering a solid hour of jokes.

The Desire for Recognition and Stand-Up Nightmares

The hosts discuss the desire for recognition as a stand-up comedian and how it can be difficult to shake off other labels, like "the guy from the man show" or "the radio guy." They also share their stand-up nightmares, which often involve forgetting their material or bombing on stage.

The Stand-Up Mindset and Hacky Comics

The hosts discuss the mindset of stand-up comedians and how they often have a different perspective on their work than people who don't do stand-up. They also talk about hacky comics and how they handle jokes that don't land.

Respecting the Form of Stand-Up

The hosts discuss the importance of respecting the form of stand-up comedy and how some comedians don't take it seriously enough. They talk about the difference between improv and traditional stand-up and how they prefer the latter.

The Importance of Structure and Presentation

The hosts discuss the importance of structure and presentation in comedy and how some comedians are too loose with their material. They talk about their own experiences with live shows and how they prefer to have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

The Perfect Martini

A 2013 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Paul Feig. It stars Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock as two mismatched FBI agents who are forced to work together to take down a drug lord.


Ornie Adams

Ornie Adams is an American stand-up comedian known for his observational humor and storytelling. He has appeared on various television shows and podcasts.

Paul Feig

Paul Feig is an American director, producer, and screenwriter known for his comedic films, including "Bridesmaids," "Ghostbusters," and "Spy."

Dave Matthews Band

The Dave Matthews Band is an American rock band known for their live performances and their blend of rock, jazz, and folk music.

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor known for his contributions to West Coast hip hop and his distinctive style.

Simply Safe

Simply Safe is a home security system company that offers a range of security solutions, including alarm systems, cameras, and sensors.

Morgan and Morgan

Morgan and Morgan is a personal injury law firm that provides legal representation to individuals who have been injured due to negligence.

Stand-Up Comedy

A form of comedic performance in which a comedian performs a set of jokes and stories in front of a live audience. Stand-up comedy is often characterized by its improvisational nature and its focus on personal experiences and observations.

Rodney Dangerfield

An American stand-up comedian and actor who was known for his self-deprecating humor and his catchphrase "I don't get no respect." He was a popular figure in comedy during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.


  • What is the main point of the episode regarding the ancient Olympics?

    The episode aims to dispel the myth that the ancient Olympics were purely about athleticism, highlighting their "bad-ass" nature and the presence of mythology and fake history surrounding them.

  • What is the significance of the Dave Matthews Band tour bus incident?

    The incident, which occurred in 2004, involved the band's tour bus dumping sewage onto a tour boat in Chicago. It became a widely reported news story and sparked controversy.

  • What is the "shit dumb" story and why is it so memorable for the hosts?

    The "shit dumb" story is a personal anecdote about a tour bus incident that happened 20 years ago. The hosts remember it vividly because it was a significant event that left a lasting impression on them.

  • What is Paul Feig's approach to stand-up comedy?

    Paul Feig prefers a traditional stand-up approach, focusing on delivering a solid hour of memorized jokes. He doesn't enjoy improv or crowd work as much, preferring the structure and precision of a well-crafted set.

  • What is the hosts' perspective on the current state of comedy?

    The hosts believe that horror movies have become a place where comedy thrives. They argue that the tension and fear in horror movies create a unique environment for comedic moments to land.

  • What is the hosts' advice for aspiring stand-up comedians?

    The hosts encourage aspiring stand-up comedians to take their craft seriously and to respect the form of stand-up comedy. They advise against being too loose with their material and to focus on delivering a well-structured and entertaining set.

Show Notes

Adam welcomes Orny Adams for his 20th visit to ACS and they open by talking about the 20th anniversary of Dave Matthews’ tour bus dumping its waste onto a tour boat in the Chicago River. Then they discuss how auto commercials went from selling toughness to selling love and how this is mimicked in politics.

Next, Dawson joins to read the news including stories about how the California plastic bag ban actually led to more plastic waste, Snoop Dogg’s rumored $500k Olympics day-rate, a new Australian “flying car” and a revised way to sing the alphabet song.

Finally, director Paul Feig returns to the show to talk about his new movie “Jackpot”, dealing with network/studio notes, working with John Cena, starting comedy at the age of 15 and if he ever thinks about returning to stand-up.

For more with Orny Adams:
● INSTAGRAM: @ornyadams
● The Comedy and Magic Club - Hermosa Beach, California August 15th
● CB Live - Phoenix, Arizona August 30th through September 1st
● Ice House - Pasadena September 14th

For more with Paul Feig:
● INSTAGRAM: @paulfeig
● New film Jackpot on Amazon Prime August 15th

Thank you for supporting our sponsors:
● This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp
● or Dial #LAW (#529)








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Comedian Orny Adams + “Jackpot” Director Paul Feig

Comedian Orny Adams + “Jackpot” Director Paul Feig

Adam Carolla