DiscoverThe Wealth WhispererConversations That Transform: The Role of Dialogue in Building Wealth and Well-Being
Conversations That Transform: The Role of Dialogue in Building Wealth and Well-Being

Conversations That Transform: The Role of Dialogue in Building Wealth and Well-Being

Update: 2024-09-24


In this episode, Hazel delves into the profound impact of influences in our lives, particularly focusing on the people we surround ourselves with. Using a personal anecdote about a friend from the Freedom Club, she highlights how positive influences can encourage financial growth and risk-taking, while negative influences can hinder personal development. Hazel emphasizes the importance of being mindful about our social circles and the conversations we engage in, as they shape our beliefs and outcomes.


  • The people you surround yourself with significantly impact your mindset, financial decisions, and overall life trajectory. Choosing your social circle wisely can lead to personal growth and new opportunities.

  • Early influences, particularly from parents, play a crucial role in shaping financial habits and attitudes towards money. Positive teachings about budgeting and saving can set a strong foundation for future financial behavior.

  • Engaging with diverse groups, such as the Freedom Club, can help individuals become more comfortable with taking calculated risks, which is essential for building wealth and achieving personal goals.

  • Young people are highly impressionable and absorb the behaviors and attitudes of their peers. Positive or negative influences can significantly affect their development and decision-making processes.

  • It is important to consciously evaluate and choose the influences in your life. Recognizing the impact of external factors allows individuals to make informed decisions about their relationships and environments, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.


"Who do you surround yourself with? That’s a thought-provoking question about the influences in our lives."

"If we can choose carefully who we surround ourselves with, our mindsets can shift as a result of that."

"Certain influences can drag you down. It's up to you to really see that and make the choice for yourself."

"You can either choose to be a victim to those influences or you can make a different choice."

"It's about having those nurturing, developing conversations. Sometimes the tough conversations can help you grow even more."


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Having started her career as a professional, classical musician, Hazel de Kloe also had a personal quest to become financially free. 

She and her husband built a successful, multi-million-pound property business, next to their own careers, but soon realised that true freedom doesn’t JUST come from being financially independent…

Having meant so much to her family, it has been her passion ever since, to inspire, educate and empower others on their journeys towards this 'Holy Grail'. 

During one particular property mentoring session back in 2009, she had a powerful recognition of exactly how to facilitate this. Nicknamed now, The Wealth Whisperer, she has a unique way of getting to the crux of what is needed to help fulfil this quest.











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Conversations That Transform: The Role of Dialogue in Building Wealth and Well-Being

Conversations That Transform: The Role of Dialogue in Building Wealth and Well-Being

Hazel De Kloe