DZ Season 063 Part 13. 300 Spartans and All That – Xerxes Fleet Meets an Unknown Unknown.
Now some friction, as Clausewitz called it, was going to enter Xerxes life and planned invasion, in the form of an unknown unknown, in the form of what Herodotus tells us the people in the area called a Hellespontian, which is a south-easterly gale. Perhaps this was the wind that the Oracle at Delphi had told the people of Delphi to pray to. If they did, they must have set up their alter at Thyia, that I spoke of in Part 13, in record time – and not a moment too soon.
Tag words: Clausewitz; Herodotus; The Histories; Oracle at Delphi; JFC Fuller; Decisive Battles of the Western World; Euboean Channel; Eurybiades; Xerxes; Darius; Crucifixion; Artemisium; Diodorus Siculus; Richard Nelson; Warfleets of Antiquity; diekplus; John Marincola; Homer; Troy; Iliad; Odyssey; Larry Siedentop; Inventing the Individual;