DiscoverBy His GraceDavid Helling: His Only Son
David Helling: His Only Son

David Helling: His Only Son

Update: 2023-03-17


Misty Phillip sits down with the Director of His Only Son, David Helling to discuss the heart behind the movie His Only Son.

It is one of the most controversial moments in all Scripture– when the Lord God tested Abraham by commanding him to take his son, his only son, and sacrifice him on the mountain of Moriah. This feature film illustrates that striking account, following Abraham, his son and their two servants as they journey for three days to the place of the offering. Along the way, the men encounter dangers and trials as Abraham silently relives memories spanning the decades he and his wife, Sarah, longed for the son God had promised… the son he must now lay upon the altar.  Answering age-old questions as to why the Lord would require such a sacrifice, His Only Son profoundly explores mankind’s relationship to God and encourages viewers to turn inward and ask: Can your faith still stand when you are asked to give everything?

David Helling

David Helling grew up in Southern Louisiana but spent the bulk of his teens in Texas. Upon graduating high school, David shipped to California for a five-year-stint in the United States Marine Corps– a commitment which eventually took him to the sands of Al-Anbar Province in Iraq. There in the desert, near the edge of ancient Babylon, in a combat zone, another battle was raging in David himself– a war within that eventually drove to the Bible. The result was a transformed heart, sincere faith and a burning desire to tell others of those Biblical accounts. Since then, David has made it his life’s mission to bring Scripture’s Truth from the page to the screen. This endeavor has resulted in many short films and scripts, garnering numerous awards, accolades and international attention– all which now culminate in his debut feature film, His Only Son.

From the Director

“The account at the core of His Only Son is one of the most controversial narratives in all Scripture. You would be hard-pressed to find another passage so scrutinized, scoffed at or misunderstood as the twenty-second chapter of the book of Genesis. With this film, I endeavor to answer the critics as well as the confused by exploring the meaning and purpose of God’s testing of Abraham, when He asked him to do the unthinkable 4,000 years ago. I look to shine a light on the plan the Lord had in place from the beginning, His promise of redemption and the part Abraham’s walk of faith so boldly played.”

“For us now, the days seem darker than many of us can remember, and at a time when humanity is so downcast, we are in dire need of inspiration to lift us up again. May this film serve as a reminder that in the hard times, in the hurt, in the sadness and in the loss, there is a plan, and there is a purpose for it all. Personally, the last five years of working on this film have been the most trying and heart-wrenching of my life, but I pray, like me, you find encouragement in the testimony of Abraham. His faith was tested. Our hope was born.”

His FAITH was tested. Our HOPE was born.


HIS ONLY SONreceived a 72% rating from the Angel Guild–the group of over 64,000 Angel Studios crowd funders who review and greenlight creator projects

The movie has completed final production and is now raising investment funds for its theatrical release to promote marketing and advertising.

HIS ONLY SON is a Biblically inspired film based on the life of Abraham as told in Genesis chapters 12 through 22.

HIS ONLY SON is directed by David Helling, a U.S. Marine Corp veteran who’s time in the deserts of Iraq formed the impetus for the film.

The movie commitment to accuracy is seen even in the authentic cast–with Abraham played by Nicolas Mouawad, a beloved Lebanese film and TV actor, and Sarah played by Sara Sayed, who was born and raised in Tehran.

His Only Son is Coming to Theaters March 31, 2023








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David Helling: His Only Son

David Helling: His Only Son

Misty Phillip