DiscoverBy His GraceKim Allen: Unleashing Your Spiritual Gifts for Effective Ministry
Kim Allen: Unleashing Your Spiritual Gifts for Effective Ministry

Kim Allen: Unleashing Your Spiritual Gifts for Effective Ministry

Update: 2023-06-06


On this episode of By His Grace, Kim Allen talks about the importance of understanding our spiritual gifts and talents to find our place in ministry. She also emphasizes the significance of having the right people around us to guide and encourage us like a shepherd with a staff. Misty Phillip shares about the community coming together during Hurricane Harvey and how one can use their God-given gifts to help others in unexpected ways. The episode also touches upon insecurities and lack of confidence which are common struggles for women and how leading small groups has been life-changing for everyone involved. Kim Allen encourages listeners to fight insecurities and seek God’s guidance in fulfilling the works He has planned for them.


Kim Allen is a motivational speaker and author who has experienced firsthand the effects of lacking confidence and security in her own life. Throughout her career in pastoring and leading small groups, she noticed that many women struggled with feeling confident in their abilities despite being competent and well-educated. This inspired her to write about her own journey to self-discovery and share her personal stories in hopes of helping other women overcome their own insecurities. With her relatable and empowering message, Kim Allen aims to inspire women to become their best selves and achieve their dreams.


– Topic: Spiritual Gift Tests

– Discussion on commonly given spiritual gift tests by churches

– Story shared about how wrong positioning within the body of Christ can hinder one’s effectiveness

– Importance of understanding one’s gifts and talents to use them effectively

– Emphasis on having guidance from others to be in the right place in ministry

– Topic: Understanding Spiritual Gifts

– Discussion on how everyone has gifts that come in different measures

– Methods to learn about spiritual gifts like seeking help and getting into the Word

– Importance of using gifts for the glory of God

– Topic: Hurricane Harvey Relief

– Guest, Misty Phillip, shares how she used her skills to help those affected by the hurricane

– Importance of using one’s gifts to help others in unexpected ways

– Community coming together in times of need

– Topic: Mentoring

– Discussion on individual meetings based on personal needs

– Focus on building trust and encouraging others with scripture

– Bible stories and personal experiences used as encouragement

– Passion for helping others in their transformation, including spiritual growth

– Topic: Pursuing Dreams and Trusting God’s Plan

– Emphasis on being in the Word daily and the significance of community

– The importance of pursuing dreams and skills

– The idea that God has a plan for everyone and is working everything together for good

– Encouragement to prioritize meaningful connections over career advancement

– Topic: Kim Allen’s Career Path

– Kim Allen’s career path from IT to education

– Various roles in IT and education including developing curriculum and teaching technology to women

– The discovery of a passion for small group teaching

– Topic: Lack of Confidence in Women

– Observation of women struggling with confidence and insecurity

– Sharing personal stories to help others

– Emphasis on fighting insecurities to fulfill purpose and destiny

– Topic: Small Groups and Relationships

– Kim Allen’s passion for small groups and bringing people together

– Teaching more women’s events at her local church to create lifelong relationships and grow together








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Kim Allen: Unleashing Your Spiritual Gifts for Effective Ministry

Kim Allen: Unleashing Your Spiritual Gifts for Effective Ministry

Misty Phillip