DiscoverSendMe RadioDay 110 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie
Day 110 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Day 110 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Update: 2024-08-24


Psalm 110 is one of the most significant and frequently cited psalms in the New Testament, often regarded as a messianic Psalm. It portrays a royal figure who is given authority by God, with themes of kingship, priesthood, and divine victory.


Verse 1: The Psalms begins with a declaration from the Lord to the Psalmist “Lord,” saying, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” This verse is often understood as God speaking to the Messiah, affirming His authority and promising victory over His enemies. The phrase “sit at my right hand” symbolizes a position of power and honor, signifying the Messiah’s exalted status. The imagery of making enemies a “footstool” implies complete dominion and subjugation of those who oppose God’s anointed one.

Verses 2-3: These verses describe the Messiah’s reign. The “rod of your strength” is sent out of Zion, indicating that the Messiah’s rule is empowered by God and extends from Jerusalem (Zion). The Messiah is depicted as ruling “in the midst of your enemies,” suggesting that despite opposition, His reign will be established and unchallenged. Verse 3 speaks of the willing submission of the Messiah’s people, who present themselves in “holy garments,” ready to serve and follow Him. The phrase “from the womb of the morning” and “the dew of your youth” may signify the vigor and freshness of the Messiah’s reign and His followers.

Verse 4: This verse introduces the concept of the Messiah as a priest, stating, “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, ‘You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.’” This is a key verse in the psalm and is cited extensively in the New Testament, particularly in the book of Hebrews. The reference to Melchizedek, a priest-king who appears briefly in Genesis 14, indicates that the Messiah’s priesthood is eternal and unique, distinct from the Levitical priesthood. Melchizedek’s priesthood, not based on descent or the law, prefigures the eternal priesthood of Christ.

Verses 5-7: These verses depict the Messiah as a victorious warrior. The Lord is at His right hand, ensuring triumph over kings and nations. The language is martial and triumphant, with imagery of the Messiah shattering kings, judging nations, and filling places with corpses. This graphic portrayal underscores the complete and decisive nature of the Messiah’s victory over His enemies. Verse 7, which speaks of drinking from the brook by the way, might symbolize refreshment and renewal after the battle, or it could imply that the Messiah will continue His journey or mission with renewed strength.

Key Themes

1.Messianic Kingship: Psalm 110 is primarily a royal psalm that is often interpreted as referring to the Messiah, particularly in Christian theology. The Messiah is portrayed as a king who is given divine authority to rule over His enemies and establish His reign.
2.Priesthood of Melchizedek: A unique aspect of this psalm is the depiction of the Messiah as a priest in the order of Melchizedek. This priesthood is eternal, unlike the temporary and hereditary Levitical priesthood, emphasizing the eternal and unchangeable nature of the Messiah’s role.
3.Divine Victory: The psalm emphasizes the assured victory of the Messiah over His enemies. The imagery of warfare and triumph is vivid, portraying the Messiah as a powerful warrior-king who will subdue all opposition.
4.The Role of God: Throughout the psalm, it is clear that the authority, power, and victory of the Messiah are given by God. The relationship between God and the Messiah is central, with God empowering and ensuring the success of His anointed one.


Psalm 110 is a profoundly significant psalm that speaks to the themes of messianic kingship, priesthood, and divine victory. It portrays the Messiah as a king-priest, empowered by God to rule and conquer. This psalm has been foundational in Christian interpretations of the identity and role of Jesus Christ, who is understood as fulfilling the roles outlined in this text. The psalm’s imagery of victory and eternal priesthood provides a powerful vision of the Messiah’s ultimate triumph and enduring reign.

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Day 110 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Day 110 of 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie

Melanie Okorie