Disconnected Roommate to Connected Loving Partnership
EP:101 Are you feeling like more like roommate than a loving partner in your dynamic but are hiding from everyone?
It’s more common than you think…
Why?? Because we all want to put our best faces forward, especially with what’s happening inside the four corners of our homes!
What usually causes the drift?? Overfamiliarity, too much comfortability, overwhelming tasks, and routines, piled up work, new responsibilities, raising kids, insecurities, lack of intimacy, fear, resentment and the list goes on!
But this doesn’t have to be your situation forever. It doesn’t have to be just “Is what it is”
The shift and dynamic of moving from disconnected roommate to connected loving partnership CAN happen.
It can through both partners supporting their own mental health through both regulating their own nervous systems and through both having the communication, carving out time for one another and sharing the vulnerability piece of life.
It’s doable. I want you to know it is possible. So have hope. Have faith and take one small step every single day. And trust within where you’re at in this life.
Curious how?? Check out this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast.
Dr. B
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