Don't Tell Me Who I Am

Don't Tell Me Who I Am

Update: 2022-07-12


Has anyone ever told you that you're funny? Or maybe called you weird? How about people saying "you're selfish" or "you're crazy"?

And how many times have you accepted these imposed titles as the truth about your character? Maybe you haven't. But maybe you have and you don't even know it!

In this episode, Sabrina explores what it means to hold on to these as truth and one way to combat them!

And of course, She'll end the episode with a few questions around this topic that hopefully inspires that ah-ha moment of "I agree with myself!"

Today's Questions Prompts:
Feel free to journal about these, talk to a friend about them, or better yet - email Sabrina at with your answers and insights.

  1. From your own inner knowing, what characteristics or qualities are true about you?
  2. What characteristics has someone else put on you?
  3. What can you do today to release the characteristics someone else has given you that you do not resonate with?

And please be sure to rate/review this podcast!
 Want to connect? Find Sabrina on Instagram!

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Get the I Agree With Myself Journal: 31 Prompts for self-care, inner wisdom, and emotional intelligence. These intentionally crafted journal prompts will guide you through rediscovering the beautiful pieces that make you you.

I adore hearing your perspective on the episodes, and if there's ever a topic you'd love to hear covered, my DM's and email are a great place to connect!

DM me on Instagram - @IAgreeWithMyself.Podcast
Email me at

Much Love,
Sabrina Avellán









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Don't Tell Me Who I Am

Don't Tell Me Who I Am
