E68: Tyler Cowen on Talent, the Importance of Stamina, and Predicting Success
This week on Upstream, we’re releasing a fascinating discussion with economist, professor, and bestselling author Tyler Cowen about how to find talented people. This was recorded in 2022 around the launch of his book 'Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World' co-authored with Daniel Gross. Tyler and Erik discuss strategies for assessing raw talent, recognizing late bloomers, and fostering an environment conducive to high achievers. They also cover the importance of understanding founder compatibility, building strong peer groups, and the role of mentorship in talent development.
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🎙️1 to 100 | Hypergrowth Companies Worth Joining
Every week we sit down with the founder of a hyper-growth company you should consider joining. Our goal is to give you the inside story behind breakout, early stage companies potentially worth betting your career on. This season, discover how the founders of Modal Labs, Clay, Mercor, and more built their products, cultures, and companies.
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1762756034
🎙️ History 102 with WhatifAltHist
Every week, creator of WhatifAltHist Rudyard Lynch and Erik Torenberg cover a major topic in history in depth -- in under an hour. This season will cover classical Greece, early America, the Vikings, medieval Islam, ancient China, the fall of the Roman Empire, and more.
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/history-102-with-whatifalthists-rudyard-lynch-and/id1730633913
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36Kqo3BMMUBGTDo1IEYihm
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@History102-qg5oj
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Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World - https://www.amazon.com/Talent-Identify-Energizers-Creatives-Winners/dp/1250275814
(00:00 ) Intro
(02:07 ) The Genesis of Tyler Cowen's Book 'Talent'
(06:33 ) The Role of Peer Endorsement
(11:01 ) Super Fans and High Achievers
(13:19 ) Impact of Public Fame and Risk Aversion Among Young People
(15:12 ) SPONSORS: Squad | beehiiv
(17:40 ) Choosing the Right Hierarchies
(20:12 ) Scaling Apprenticeships
(29:33 ) Commercial Break: Babbel Language Learning
(30:58 ) SPONSORS: Babbel | Brave
(31:57 ) Wishlist Topics for Future Research
(40:42 ) Organizing the World's Ambition
(47:56 ) The Future of Emergent Ventures
(51:14 ) Closing Thoughts and Future Projects