E71: Marc Andreessen on Higher Education and Tech Culture
In this episode of Upstream, we’re releasing an interview from 2021 with Marc Andreessen, Sriram Krishnan, and Aarthi Ramamurthy. They discuss the higher education system's inefficiencies, high costs and lack of competition, and explore innovative education models including cohort-based learning and unbundling education components. Marc shares personal anecdotes about his college experience and emphasizes the need for tech and internet-based educational models to educational models to evolve and meet global demand.
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(00:00 ) Intro
(02:37 ) Erik on lifelong learning
(04:48 ) Challenges facing traditional higher education
(08:34 ) Marc Andreessen’s college experience
(12:31 ) Sponsors: Squad | Babbel | Brave
(16:20 ) Alternative education models
(18:57 ) MOOCs, Lambda and lifelong education
(25:52 ) Indian education system vs. US education system
(31:15 ) Wrap