EP 089: Circadian Regulation Starts At Conception & Matters For Life
“A lot of people think that the placenta is just nourishing the baby, but it’s the portal where they’re getting these hormonal cues from,” says today’s guest, Nikko Kennedy, who returns to the Quantum Biology Collective podcast. In this episode, she delves into the crucial role of circadian regulation starting at conception—even earlier. Nikko explains how a mother’s circadian rhythm influences everything from fertility and childbirth pain to the postpartum experience, shaping the baby’s vital early years. She also emphasizes the significance of nutrition and well-timed eating, particularly after birth, and draws insights from countries with extreme seasons.
On a broader scale, Nikko highlights the societal impact of regulating light environments. She discusses how adjusting street lighting has protected endangered species, reduced crime, and supported the mental and emotional health of various communities. She also reveals the growing importance of circadian alignment in the medical, military, and airline industries and how these fields are working to better support their employees.
Tune in as Nikko shares practical tips for enhancing circadian regulation in daily life and debunks one of the biggest misconceptions surrounding it.
- “This whole idea that [during] motherhood and postpartum you’re going to be completely fatigued, you’re going to be feeling terrible, it’s going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever been through…It still may be the hardest thing you’ve ever been through but it doesn’t have to be difficult in those particular ways if you can actually get your environment right, then we can naturally go into a polyphasic sleep.” (18:16 | Nikko Kennedy)
- “You can’t have a healthy circadian rhythm that’s not in line with the sun. So, it doesn’t matter what your schedule is, it matters that your body understands what solar time it is.” (32:36 | Nikko Kennedy)
- “When you think about the effects of circadian disruption on people who are living out on the streets…the potential impacts for a society where we actually had full circadian lighting in all public spaces [would be] so amazing and that group advocacy and awareness-building and moving into policy is really inspiring.” (38:34 | Nikko Kennedy)
- “A lot of people think that the placenta is just nourishing the baby…That’s the portal where they’re also getting these hormonal cues from the mom to know day from night, just to control all the things so that they happen in the right order across the day.” (48:31 | Nikko Kennedy)
Connect with Nikko Kennedy:
To work with Nikko: https://nikkokennedy.com
Nikko's Substack: www.brighterdaysdarkernights.com
Instagram: @brighterdays.darkernights
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