EP 176 - Why No Star Citizen Ship is Safe From Nerfs & “Balance” (Ft. EvenLease)
From the Crusader Ares Ion to the Drake Corsair, every ship in Star Citizen will undergo a series of changes between now and “launch”. But why does it happen, and why is it always so surprising? Today I’m joined by fellow ship nerd EvenLease to discuss CIG’s communication around these nerfs, why they occur, and what players should expect regarding their own ships going forward. Queue the conspiracy theories.
Today’s Guests:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EvenLease44
00:00 Introduction
04:50 Best Ship in the Game
12:10 What Makes a Good Ship?
18:30 Player Built Ships
22:30 Why Does Star Citizen Nerf Ships?
42:40 The Corsair Drama
54:00 Ship Stats
01:02:45 Will These Changes Continue?
01:12:20 How Components Change The Game
Video Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvpiPXCO7OVJOlBIclW9tbpb2g29gur3I
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