Emblems of the Holy Spirit: The Dew - S05E04
S05E03: The Dew
Series: Emblems of the Holy Spirit
Host: Rev. Dr. Charles Zuta
The dew is important for the survival of life forms on earth, especially in the arid regions where rainfall is scanty and water is scarce. The dew is so important that when Elijah pronounced a judgement on Israel because of the wickedness of King Ahab and Jezebel, by imposing a drought, he also withheld the dew. Similarly, when David cursed Mount Gilboa where King Saul was slain in battle, he withheld not just the rain but also the dew from falling on the Mountain. There are interesting parallels between the dew and the holy Spirit which allows us to understand the intangible aspects of the personality of the Holy Spirit. I discuss the dew as a symbol or emblem of the Holy Spirit in this episode.
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