Emblems of the Holy Spirit: The Fire - S05E07
S05E07: The Fire
Series: Emblems of the Holy Spirit
Host: Rev. Dr. Charles Zuta
Fire catches attention, whether as a burning bush which is not being consumed, Nebuchadnezzar's furnace or a rocket hurtling into space. We always react to fire either fearfully or with admiration and awe. The benefits of fire to mankind are endless, we have harnessed the power of fire to do mighty things such as the internal combustion engine to make us travel faster and rockets to help us escape the power of gravity, transform materials, as well as mundane things such as cooking food and much more. But the destructive power of fire is also apparent and so we create safeguards to protect lives and property from fire. It is therefore no coincidence that the Godhead, The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit use fire to communicate their intentions, attributes, personality and presence to humanity. So, what does fire teach us about the Holy Spirit when symbolized by fire? I discuss the significance of Fire as an emblem of the Holy Spirit in the Episode.
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