Empire Records (Birthday Series Finale!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEEE, What a great present that I get to talk about one of my favorite underrated movies that influenced my life ON MY BIRTHDAY. I'm so psyched to share the movie that has my favorite songs and my favorite actors. I don't even want to spoil anything in this synopsis any further in this bio, thank you for listening and being here on my birthday!
Part 1: Happy birthday episode to me!!
Part 2: What is the plot of Empire Records?
Part 3: The first version vs the extended edition
Part 4: The Mental Health Messages
Part 5: The Music of the Movie
Part 6: The coincidences
Part 8: A perfect ending
Part 9: What's the next episode?
Song - New Horizons from YouTube library
Cover art by Emily Whitacre (https://teenytinycoffeebean.carrd.co/)
My Inglorious Ink series! - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Samantha-Parrish/author/B0BNQ2D7D1?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
I'm on Goodreads! - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20042112.Samantha_Parrish
How To Support The Show! - https://ko-fi.com/queenofthescreen#linkModal
Articles I've written - https://vocal.media/authors/samantha-parrish
My Linktree
Cover art by Emily Whitacre (https://teenytinycoffeebean.carrd.co/)