Ep 155: Family Constellations & The Golden Spiral with Danica Apolline-Matic
Danica Apolline-Matic shares how Family Constellations help identify and heal generational trauma, breaking cycles of addiction, unfulfilled destiny, and toxic coping mechanisms. She explores how sacred geometry relates to trauma, the power of System Constellations for broader healing, and how homeopathy complements this work. Danica also discusses the Golden Spiral Remedy and its role in restoring balance.
For more details and links mentioned in this episode, visit our website: https://thewayfwrd.com/podcast/ep-155-family-constellations-the-golden-spiral-with-danica-apolline-matic/
Resources & Discounts:
Use discount code WAYFORWARD15 for 15% off – https://www.blueprintessences.com/
Learn more about Danica – https://www.danicaapollinematic.com/
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New Biology Clinic: Experience individually tailored terrain-based health services with virtual consults, practitioner livestreams, movement classes, and more. The New Biology Clinic’s motivation is to make you healthy and keep you that way. Visit https://NewBiologyClinic.com and enter code TheWayForward for $50 off your activation fee. Members of The Way Forward get the full activation fee waived. Become a member of The Way Forward here: https://thewayfwrd.com/membership-sign-up/
RMDY Collective: Dedicated to making homeopathy accessible with high-quality remedies and hands-on training. Discover how this holistic approach supports natural healing and empowers you to take charge of your wellness.
Explore more at RMDY Collective at https://rmdycollective.org/?bg_ref=MKho6KZowa
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LOTUSWEI: Flower essences are liquid infusions of wildflowers that carry the bioenergetic imprint of the plant’s life force. Unlike essential oils, they have no scent but work on an energetic level to shift your state of mind and enhance well-being. Used consistently, flower essences support personal growth, balance emotions, and help you tap into your full potential—especially in times of stress and fatigue. Get 10% off with code ALEC10 at LOTUSWEI.com. The Way Forward members receive 20% off ongoing savings—email hello@thewayfwrd.com to claim your discount.
Confluence 2025: Confluence 2025 is a transformative gathering on a regenerative farm near San Antonio, TX, where community, health, and freedom meet. Join us for workshops, live music, and a chance to connect deeply with nature. Use promo code TWF10 for a 10% discount on your tickets. Join us at https://www.confluenceevent.com/