Ep 16: Plastic Packaging and The Inconvenient Truths Of Recycling
Here is a written version and references: https://www.meghantelpner.com/blog/plastic-packaging-and-the-inconvenient-truth-on-recycling/
Here is the link to Meghan's Life Changing New Program: https://www.meghantelpner.com/theprogram/
The mantra reduce, reuse, recycle was drilled into us in the 80s and 90s, but somewhere along the way it just became recycle, recycle, recycle. We seem to have forgotten that recycling is the last step, the last resort in our waste management process – and the myths of plastic packaging recycling have created some disastrous consequences for the earth and our health.
We’ve been convinced that we can somehow offset or cancel out our plastic waste by recycling it, but most of the time what we’re tossing into our bins just ends up as garbage. The inconvenient truth is that recycling isn’t all we think it is, and we’re going to have to do a little more. In this episode of On My Mind, I take a look at some common recycling myths - and what we can do about them.