Ep 20: Creating Inner Harmony In 30 Seconds
Here is a written version and references: https://www.meghantelpner.com/blog/creating-inner-harmony-in-30-seconds/
Meghan's Life Changing New Program: https://www.meghantelpner.com/theprogram/
It’s not easy right now. I mean, life is rarely what anyone would describe as easy – but as far as my lifetime goes, it’s never been quite this challenging to navigate while maintaining any sense of calm.
What I can change are my mind, my heart and my response in any given situation. This is well within all of our control and this is why understanding coherence and inner harmony is so critical right now. We need it more than ever.
In this episode of On My Mind, I introduce the concept of coherence and inner harmony, and share a simple breathing exercise you can do to bring your body and mind into coherence.