DiscoverThe Purposeful Career PodcastEp 169: The Power of Listening to Yourself: Reconnecting to Your Inner Wisdom
Ep 169: The Power of Listening to Yourself: Reconnecting to Your Inner Wisdom

Ep 169: The Power of Listening to Yourself: Reconnecting to Your Inner Wisdom

Update: 2024-03-03


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Have you ever caught yourself tuning out your own voice to accommodate everyone else's needs? This episode embarks on a journey with me, Carla Hudson, as we examine the transformative art of self-listening. Anchored in personal anecdotes and enriched by coaching experiences, we navigate the common habit of sidelining our desires for others, especially during the riveting demands of midlife. Join us to discover how reclaiming the neglected art of tuning into our inner dialogue can reshape our lives, confront our fears, and stir the waters of self-discovery.

Emotions have a way of sneaking up on us, often at the most inconvenient times. Together, we explore the essential skills of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, unearthing how to be truly present with our feelings during daily interactions. By pinpointing and articulating emotions in just one word, we not only connect with our inner experiences but also learn to decipher the physical sensations they trigger. The upcoming week poses a challenge: to become more attuned to our emotional landscape, paving the way for healthier coping strategies and a more authentic existence.

As we round out this conversation, we delve into the courage it takes to listen to our inner wisdom and pursue personal authenticity. I delve into the challenges of making significant life changes, from career shifts to personal endeavors. We uncover the imperative of self-inquiry and the permission we must grant ourselves to dream. For those poised to elevate their life's work, the virtual coaching program, Next Level, awaits. It’s an invitation to apply these insights and join me at, as we journey towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

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Ep 169: The Power of Listening to Yourself: Reconnecting to Your Inner Wisdom

Ep 169: The Power of Listening to Yourself: Reconnecting to Your Inner Wisdom

Carla Hudson