Ep 33 : Why Moving House Is Always So Shitful (Season 2 Final)
We've all had to do it.
And even when you want to, it's still shitful.
Kath reveals she's moving house, and the impact it's having on her and her two adult children wakes up memories in all of us.
Mish recalls trying to sell a house during her marital split, whilst in the midst of a medical crisis, and Kath's younger self breaks down at Heathrow Airport, when she was forced to move back to Australia.
There's still fingernail imprints in the runway.
Once again these two open up on old feelings, precisely because they're rarely discussed, and lace them with new insight and oodles of laughter.
Ever moved house?
You'll love this conversation...
So, turns out Mish did have Covid.
Plus, Kath is actually moving!
So From the Hip is taking a break to gather its energy, and gather its breath.
We will return, re-invigorated.
In the meantime, go check out our special announcement, see what you think....and subscribe to our Instagram!!
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It really helps.
Talk soon,
(Executive Producer)