Ep 348 - How News Can Wreck your Retirement
There's a theme going on this week where we're talking a lot of the same things because we're planning for this new year. We know the types of funds that we're creating, in order to help people diversify and put their money into certain buckets. We will talk about this news thing that came up because of the environment that we're in and the conversations that we're having with investors right now.
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During turbulent times, investors are uncertain and even fearful about placing their money. To help educate our less experienced investors, our team is reaching out to our more seasoned investors for guidance and advice that we can share with our newer clients. One thing that drives our fear and can paralyze us from making sound financial decisions is the news. In the past, the news was about sharing meaningful information whereas today, the news seems to be about sound bytes that elicit emotion and feed ratings. The news can negatively impact our investments when the full story is not shared. If a C.E.O. change occurs, it may be reported but the reason behind the change and the positive trajectory the company might take with a new chief executive is omitted. This can cause the price of a stock to rise or fall because we are not fully informed. This volatility can cause us to move our money in and out of investments and constantly try to catch-up. Whereas we would have been better served had invested in real estate for the long haul.
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