Ep 5 - Shadow Work and Depression
Love and light are great, but your dark side needs attention too. Learn hidden causes of depression such as synthetic fragrance, the process of suicidal thoughts, how to heal and strengthen your heart chakra, using rock bottom as a reset button, how to ask for help, and most importantly, how to integrate--and even laugh with--your shadow self.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours a day in English and Spanish at 800-273-8255. If you’re struggling, please ask for help.
Send your big questions to DearWitchypoo@gmail.com to have them answered in upcoming episodes. Visit witchypoo.com for more details. You can even record audio of yourself asking at https://anchor.fm/witchypoo so listeners can hear your beautiful voice on an upcoming episode. (All submissions are anonymous, so please no full names.)
Get Angela’s Psychic Development Masterclass: https://www.angelalovell.com/no-shit
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Find Angela love-hating Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovellable
Book a reading or just creep: AngelaLovell.com
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My standard prayer / ask for help:
I call on my guides, angels, healthy ancestors, power animals (I list mine by their names or physical descriptions), Hecaté Goddess of Witches, and everyone who wants to see me happy and prosperous. Please be with all those I love and all those who love me. Protect and connect us. Please intervene on my behalf. Please keep me on my best path, delivering what I need and not necessarily what I want. Please keep me safe, healthy, and always moving forward. I love you and want to make you proud of me. So mote it, blessed be, amen.
Throw in all the specifics you like. They love when we talk directly to them, especially when we do so thoughtfully.
When shadow selves dominate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRqXBsgnYok