Ep. 60 - Insolvency & Restructuring Perspectives: Women in Academia
In this episode, Dr. Jennifer Gant, University of Derby, UK; Dr. Sulette Lombard, University of South Australia; and Prof. Dr. Rosa Maria Rojas Vertiz, ITAM, Mexico, discuss the challenges they faced, and still face as women in academia in the field of insolvency and restructuring. They give insight into overcoming obstacles unique to academia, alongside strategies for success for academic and professional growth and advancing in the field.
This episode originally aired as part of the INSOL ERA TAG Panel series on 15 November 2024.
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Interviewer: Elizabeth Streten, Queensland University of Technology & Defne Taşman, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Introduction and credits voiced by Lisa McNeil, INSOL International
Edited and produced by Harriet Norman, INSOL International
Music by jorikbasov