Ep. 8: Farokh on building communities from web2 to web3
In Episode 8 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis (@alexisohanian) chat with Farokh (@farokh), Founder of Rug Radio (@RugRadio). Rug Radio is aiming to become the first ever decentralized media company. In this episode, Farokh shares his journey building communities online, why Rug Radio is important to him, and why memes are so important in web3.
- Timestamps -
1:08 : How did Farokh learn about NFTs?
5:11 : Why does Farokh spends hours on web3?
7:48 : When did a Community Manager role becomes an actual job?
9:30 : Why Farokh left law school for community management
12:40 : How has community changed from platform to platform?
14:56 : The tactics that Farokh uses to build community
20:08 : How does web3 respond to the grifters and scammers?
23:14 : What does Farokh want to be known for?
27:18 : The rise of memes
29:22 : What does it mean to be “rugged”?
32:34 : What is Rug Radio?
39.55: What would it take for Farokh to go back to clubhouse?
47:38 : What NFT would Farokh bring onto his island
-Mentions -
- Gary Vee (@garyvee)
- Elon Musk “memes run the universe tweet”
- Jack Dorsey (@jack)
- Paul (@pdavidson)
- Logan Paul (@LoganPaul)
- Fvckrender (@fvckrender)
- Victor Mosquera (@victormosquerar)
- Fewocious (@fewocious)
- ThankYouX (@ThankYouX)
- JN Silva (@JNSilva_)
- Buster (@BusterScher)
- Greg Mike (@GREGMIKE)
- Mel (@belikewater893)
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