Episode 048 Interview with Jeremy Lile: Part 1 of 2
In this episode of the Business Broken to Smokin’ Podcast: Lodestone True North’s Head Coach Mark Whitmore interviews Jeremy Lile, Executive Director of Heart to Heart Leadership. https://www.htohleadership.org/
Their discussion includes an overview of using the Enneagram in business, CliftonStrengths, and more!
Jeremy’s passion is to help people discover and deploy their purpose. For over 15 years, he has coached dozens of individuals and teams to live out their core values. He believes that the foundational skills that come from the inner life have the most potential to inspire people in the work they do.
In addition to leading organizational growth as the Executive Director, Jeremy enjoys facilitating The Enneagram, Leadership from Within, Appreciative Inquiry, and StrengthsFinder for Heart to Heart.
Through his experience in pastoral ministry and organizational development, Jeremy has spoken at retreats and events, facilitated numerous small groups, organized community engagement, and lead small teams on missions around the country and world.
Jeremy is married to the love of his life Christy and they have four children. When he’s not working for Heart to Heart, Jeremy is also the lead pastor and visionary for City Hope Akron, a grassroots church and community development organization committed to serving people in West Akron.
Jeremy has a B.A. in Psychology from Taylor University and a Master’s of Divinity from Ashland Theological Seminary. He is also certified in Appreciative Inquiry, the MBTI and The Enneagram in the Heart to Heart Way.
He serves on the board of the International Institute of Akron, the advisory board of the Institute for Leadership Advancement at the University of Akron’s College of Business Administration, the committee for Leadership Akron’s “Shift Akron”, and as a host at The Landing open choice food pantry at Akron Christian Reformed Church.
Jeremy is a graduate of Leadership Akron’s Signature Class 34, a recipient of the Greater Akron Chamber’s “30 for the Future” award, a recipient of the University of Akron’s EX[L] Center “Community Champion” award, and the 2019 recipient of the NSME Akron/Canton’s “Outstanding Community Leader” award.
0:00 Intro
4:12 The Heart To Heart way (Look within, lead beyond)…
- Awareness
- Appreciation
- Authenticity
- Application
9:52 What are some of the outcomes with Heart to Heart or what does it look like when the needle moves for a leader?
17:11 What sort of assessment is around EQ?
18:40 Enneagram reference
20:46 Enneagram summary
22:08 What is your go to for taking the Enneagram?
- Rheti assessment, 144 questions… at the enneagram institute website https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/rheti?gclid=CjwKCAjw_aemBhBLEiwAT98FMsycB7x2A1KIZLWJB80nI8zXbKUsaYCdFGMNTuyJAXY6_iZLr_pOnxoCWwUQAvD_BwE
25:12 Where did the enneagram come from?
26:17 Reference to Ginger Lapid-Bogda https://theenneagraminbusiness.com
27:54 What’s next steps after taking the enneagram assessment?
29:05 Book reference - What type of a leader are you by Ginger Lapid-Bagda
34:32 Summary of the nine enneagram types
- The Heart (mitigate feelings) 2, 3, 4
- The Head (mitigate fear) 5, 6, 7
- The Gut (mitigate anger) 8, 9, 1
52:31 “Through the lens of the Enneagram”
56:27 Reference to Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of Team
58:52 “Invitational accountability”
59:46 Clifton Strengths assessment https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/home.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=us_strengths_branded_cs_ecom&utm_term=cliftonstrengths&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_aemBhBLEiwAT98FMl-e7Uzx6OiYpwmUS0n-sG1nRK0aTMlutmcmg66Q8_pz7Nl02p1f2RoC9r4QAvD_BwE
- 34 core talents or themes
Website: https://www.lodestonetruenorth.com
LinkedIn Mark: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-whitmore-lodestone/
LinkedIn Lodestone: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lodestone-true-north
Lodestone Online Courses: https://lodestone.thinkific.com
Podcast: https://lodestonetruenorth.com/podcast/