Episode 11: Emily and the 15 Puzzles
Welcome back for Season 2, friends!
On the Season 2 Premiere of of Trauma, But Make It Funny, Bri welcomes Emily Lesser. Bri and Emily talk about the difficulties of Post College Graduation depression and anxiety, how hard the job search is, and her mental health journey before COVID, through COVID, and now. I'm sure you can imagine that things got pretty rough the past year, right?
Folks, I'll be honest. All of our episodes feature extremely special stories and extremely special people. However, this episode is sits close to my heart. You'll hear more about it in this episode, but Emily is running for "Woman of the Year", which is a ten-week fundraising competition that benefits the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Emily has been planning and working for months to raise as much money as she can for those ten weeks. She built a team (with over 40 people), held fundraising events, and truly dedicated herself to the mission in honor of, well, me. Which is super cool.
Her campaign is almost over, literally THIS WEEK, so if you feel ever so inclined, donate to her campaign, an amazing cause, and make an impact on blood cancer. Hit the link below!