Episode #12: Work Life Balance
I know this is a topic that a lot of my clients struggle with. Finding that sweet spot between building your business and having a life outside of that, not to mention free time for self care is an ongoing obstacle that all of us struggle with. When I started my business I remember being so involved and focused in all the areas of my business and wearing all the many hats as a solopreneur took a heavy toll on my mental health and close relationships. Not to mention the mom guilt that came with not giving my kids the needed one on one attention or much quality time and feeling burned out and losing sight of the bigger vision as to why was I doing this in the first place anyways. I have been there and I understand the struggle.
I wish I could tell you that I have a clear cut solution to this problem and I could waive a magic wand and make the problem go away, but unfortunately that’s not the case. Building a business and having a life outside of that is a constant work in progress for all of us. However, I will share 5 ways as I try to keep the balance somewhat.
- Planning and prioritizing your week is not nice to have but a must have. What I do is I choose a day of the week, Monday morning for me where I do a brain dump exercise. I grab a pen and paper and I write down everything that my brain can think of that I have to do that day, week, month, year etc. I look through my calendar, notes, emails and I make sure that I jot down everything. Next, I get overwhelmed. Hahaha no I stare at the sheet of paper and I start prioritizing my list ABCDE. D stands for Delegate and E stands for eliminate and I give myself permission to Eliminate things on my list which I no longer think they’re important. Next, I go to schedule all this in my calendar. First thing I schedule on my calendar is my FREE time.
- Another thing I do is schedule my monthly getaways with myself, hubby or family. These are used to help me recharge and give myself white space to reflect.
- Relationship with self when scheduling tasks is crucial to getting things done and your self esteem. When you build a habit of showing up for yourself every time you start building self respect and learn to build your confidence by always learning to rely on yourself to accomplish what you set out to do, This is how you build a belief that you do everything you always set your mind to and that’s powerful.
- For those of you that are in a relationship or have kids, need to schedule time with your loved ones ahead of time and be intentional with that time. This is the time that you can be guilt free that you are present for the people in your life and when it's time to work, the guilt over not spending enough time with hubby and kids does not have to lurk around in your brain, For example, in my household we schedule Family dinners and nights on Wednesday nights and all day on Sundays…
- Write your bigger visions on a visual board and look at them everyday if you can. Reminding everyday of your why, will keep your emotional juices flowing when challenges come up as they will and keep you connected and engaged in the bigger picture vision that you set for your life.