DiscoverConstructing MindsetsEpisode 13 - Stigma, Shame And Suicide The Impact On Those Left Behind
Episode 13 - Stigma, Shame And Suicide The Impact On Those Left Behind

Episode 13 - Stigma, Shame And Suicide The Impact On Those Left Behind

Update: 2020-09-10


For World Suicide Prevention Day, we are remembering the tragic impact suicide has on many lives. The World Health Organisation cites close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year and for every 1 suicide outcome, 25 people make an attempt. The Covid-19 pandemic has only caused these numbers to increase. Aside from the devastating impacts on the many families and communities affected, suicide is a serious public health problem. However with timely, evidence-based, often low-cost interventions and active engagement, suicides are preventable.

This episode is one of the most difficult topics we have discussed and focuses on those who have lost love ones through suicide. We welcome Renee Smith, who shares her heart-rending story about how her life has been affected by suicide and its long-lasting impacts, talking personally about the most difficult parts of her journey and giving us an insight into how it feels to lose loved ones in this tragic way. We hope to shed some light on the best ways to support those left behind after suicide as well as provide education and awareness on this subject, which is so often ignored or stigmatised.

If you need help, there are plenty of people who want to help you. Our LinkedIn page has some resources that are available to everyone. Alternatively, you can email us at








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Episode 13 - Stigma, Shame And Suicide The Impact On Those Left Behind

Episode 13 - Stigma, Shame And Suicide The Impact On Those Left Behind

Constructing Mindsets