Episode 20: Strength Training for Runners - Part 2
In this episode of the Making Strides Podcast AJ and Adam sit down to discuss programming considerations revolving around strength training (ST) for runners. This is part 2 of a multi-episode series in an attempt to keep them in smaller bite-sized pieces so you can begin taking action after each episode for better, stronger running. In this episode they discuss…
-ST in-season vs off-season
-Where in your week to ST
-Our favorite and least favorite exercises
-Exercises for the most important muscle groups
-Core work as it relates to running
3:40 When to Strength train
8:30 How might ST change in off vs in season
15:50 Frequency of ST
18:30 splitting your week
21:40 Limited equipment?
26:15 Layering strength into your week
33:45 Favorite and least favorite exercise
43:00 The big 3
48:20 Soleus emphasis
52:57 Hitting the quad
55:20 Exercises for the hip
57:30 Isolation vs compound movements
61:10 Core work and running
Bar graph of peak muscle forces while running
RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion) and RIR (Reps in Reserve) relationship chart