Episode 5: Building an Equity Statement
What is an equity statement? If your organization has a mission statement, do you even need an equity statement?
This episode of the Evident Change Podcast focuses on an equity statement as a key tool and strategy to anchor individuals and entire organizations within their specific commitment to equity work.
An equity statement serves as a guide for both internal culture work and external accountability to clients and partners. But as much as the equity statement itself is important, the process of creating it is just as important for organizations who are looking to create usable and equitable outcome metrics.
In this episode, guests from Evident Change's DEI department will walk you through the process of building an equity statement. They discuss how important it is to simply begin the work, no matter where you're starting from or how intimidating it may seem, and emphasize that normalizing imperfection opens us up to greater learning and trust, which ultimately propels us in the direction of our equity goals.
Kisha Freeman, DEI Manager
Michele D. Harper, Chief Equity Officer
Marisol Martinez, Senior DEI Specialist
Kathy Park, Chief Executive Officer