Episode 6: Start Where You Are
Now that you've learned about Evident Change's approach to Data for Equity, we want to encourage you to get started (or build on what you've done). And while the topics of data and equity are complex--and can sometimes cause anxiety--we all have a perfect place to begin: wherever we are right now.
In this episode, guests from our research, program, and strategy and integration teams talk about trust, asking questions and collecting baseline data, documenting your process, and including a wide range of people in your equity work. They also talk about the importance of recognizing and building on success, and observing the day-to-day things your organization is already doing that can become a springboard for incremental change.
Finally, you'll hear about Evident Change’s organizational equity journey and, we hope, leave emboldened to begin or build on your own.
Erin Espinosa, PhD, Director of Research
Deirdre O’Connor, Associate Director of Strategy and Integration
Angie Wolf, PhD, Chief Program Officer
Kathy Park, Chief Executive Officer