Episode 5 - Beating Burnout with Bob Wendover
Bob Wendover is the President of Common Sense Enterprises, Inc. and an award-winning author who has been researching and writing about workforce trends for more than 30 years. Common Sense Enterprises helps employers improve the daily decision-making within their organizations. Its work is based on interviews with more than 3000 corporate leaders, business owners, and government executives. Bob has worked with firms ranging from the Fortune 500 to small companies seeking to improve their bottom-line results.
This episode is Part 2 of a two-part series with Bob. In Part 1, we discuss proven strategies for recruiting, hiring, and retaining the best employees. In Part 2, we discuss concrete strategies employers and employees can use to prevent and overcome burnout, which Bob has researched and written about in his new book, Beating Burnout.
Here's a link to Bob’s website, commonsenseenterprises.net, where you can find Beating Burnout and contact him about working with your company.
About the host: As owner and CEO of Lauri Rollings and Associates, Lauri provides consulting services and training to make businesses more profitable through strategic and data-driven diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. You can reach her at lauri.rollings@gmail.com.
Theme Music: Coffee and Conversation from https://www.podcast.co/music.